DesktopECHO / Pi-hole-for-Android

Pi-hole/Unbound Raspbian APK Installer for Android 5.0+ devices (requires root)
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Pi-hole dropped support for CentOS 7 -> Fixed in release v1.6 #17

Closed MrBlamz closed 2 years ago

MrBlamz commented 2 years ago


DesktopECHO commented 2 years ago

I'm working to resolve this but for the time being we can pin FTL to v5.16.3 by running the following command:

sudo su -c "wget -O /usr/local/bin/p4a-install ; p4a-install"

DesktopECHO commented 2 years ago

Closing this issue for now.

In the near future I will spin a new image running Debian Bullseye, unfortunately this means dropping support for Android 4.x.

In any case this 'legacy' image will always be available older devices.

FDisk80 commented 2 years ago

So not possible to update to v5.17 with CentOS 7? Only with Debian?

Did the workaround for now. FTL version is v5.16.3 (Latest: v5.17)

DesktopECHO commented 2 years ago

So not possible to update to v5.17 with CentOS 7? Only with Debian?

Support has been dropped for CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.04 (or any distro introduced ~ mid-2018 that worked unofficially) because Pihole-FTL v5.17+ now requires glibc-2.28 or newer.

I'm seeing mixed messages about whether or not this a permanent change, but for now that appears to be the case.

DesktopECHO commented 2 years ago

@MrBlamz @FDisk80 - Give this a try and let me know how things look.

Older Than Light •

FDisk80 commented 2 years ago

@MrBlamz @FDisk80 - Give this a try and let me know how things look.

Older Than Light •


Pi-hole version is v5.12 (Latest: v5.12)
AdminLTE version is v5.14.2 (Latest: v5.14.2)
FTL version is v5.17-dirty (Latest: v5.17)

But if I check for updates again it will still say there is an update and a warning that FTL is from a custom branch. Because I ran the temporary fix? Should I revert this?

[i] Checking for updates...
  [i] Pi-hole Core:     up to date
  [i] Web Interface:    up to date
  [i] FTL:              update available
  [i] Warning: You are using FTL from a custom branch (v5.16.3) and might be missing future releases.

  [i] FTL out of date, it will be updated by the installer.

[✗] Unsupported OS detected: Centos 7

MrBlamz commented 2 years ago

Just tested and seems to work fine. pi-hole webpage says FTL is N/A but it's not a big deal. In my humble opinion if it's not a lot of work for you would be better to post a new image with a much more recent version of linux. If someone is using an older phone he can use an older image.

FDisk80 commented 2 years ago

Just tested and seems to work fine. pi-hole webpage says FTL is N/A but it's not a big deal. In my humble opinion if it's not a lot of work for you would be better to post a new image with a much more recent version of linux. If someone is using an older phone he can use an older image.

Mine says: Update available. image

MrBlamz commented 2 years ago

Mine updated to that as well now. The page was cached for sure. Not a big deal anyway.

DesktopECHO commented 2 years ago

Updated the ReadMe file for guidance on keeping Pi-hole up to date.

NOTE: Upstream dropped support for CentOS 7 in September 2022.
Login to the instance via SSH or RDP and run the following command:

sudo su -c "wget -O /usr/local/bin/p4a-install ; p4a-install"

Run p4a-install to update Pi-hole moving forward. pihole-FTL will stay up-to-date by building from source.

Device: wlan0 // IP: // SubNet: 24

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   145  100   145    0     0    148      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   148
100  115k  100  115k    0     0  72372      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  604k

  [✓] Root user check

         :cccclll:.      ..,,
          :ccccclll.   ;ooodc
           'ccll:;ll .oooodc
                 .. ','.
        .........  ....  .........
        ..........      ..........
        ..........      ..........
        .........  ....  .........

  [✓] Default SELinux: permissive
  [✓] Current SELinux: disabled
  [✓] EPEL repository already installed

  [✗] Checking yum for upgraded packages
      Kernel update detected. If the install fails, please reboot and try again
  [i] Checking for / installing Required dependencies for OS Check...
  [✓] Checking for grep
  [✓] Checking for bind-utils

  [i] PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK env variable set to true - installer will continue
  [i] Checking for / installing Required dependencies for this install script...
  [✓] Checking for git
  [✓] Checking for dialog
  [✓] Checking for iproute
  [✓] Checking for newt
  [✓] Checking for procps-ng
  [✓] Checking for which
  [✓] Checking for chkconfig
  [✓] Checking for ca-certificates

  [i] Performing unattended setup, no dialogs will be displayed
  [✓] Check for existing repository in /etc/.pihole
  [i] Update repo in /etc/.pihole...HEAD is now at f998eee4 Release 5.12 (#4889)
  [✓] Update repo in /etc/.pihole

  [✓] Check for existing repository in /var/www/html/admin
  [i] Update repo in /var/www/html/admin...HEAD is now at 37dbfc8e v5.14.2 (#2332)
  [✓] Update repo in /var/www/html/admin

  [i] Checking for / installing Required dependencies for Pi-hole software...
  [✓] Checking for cronie
  [✓] Checking for curl
  [✓] Checking for findutils
  [✓] Checking for sudo
  [✓] Checking for unzip
  [✓] Checking for libidn2
  [✓] Checking for psmisc
  [✓] Checking for libcap
  [✓] Checking for nmap-ncat
  [✓] Checking for jq
  [✓] Checking for lighttpd
  [✓] Checking for lighttpd-fastcgi
  [✓] Checking for php-common
  [✓] Checking for php-cli
  [✓] Checking for php-pdo
  [✓] Checking for php-xml
  [✓] Checking for php-json
  [✓] Checking for php-intl

  [✓] Enabling lighttpd service to start on reboot...
  [✓] Checking for user 'pihole'

  [i] FTL Checks...

  [✓] Detected ARMv7 processor (with hard-float support)
  [i] Checking for existing FTL binary...
  [i] Checksums do not match, downloading from
  [✓] Downloading and Installing FTL
  [i] Warning: 'lighty-enable-mod' utility not found
      Please ensure fastcgi is enabled if you experience issues
  [✓] Installing scripts from /etc/.pihole

  [i] Installing configs from /etc/.pihole...
  [i] Existing dnsmasq.conf found... it is not a Pi-hole file, leaving alone!
  [✓] Installed /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf
  [✓] Installed /etc/dnsmasq.d/06-rfc6761.conf

  [i] Installing 404 page...
  [✓] Creating directory for 404 page, and copying files
  [i] Backing up index.lighttpd.html
      No default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up

  [✓] Installing sudoer file

  [✓] Installing latest Cron script

  [i] Installing latest logrotate script...
        [i] Existing logrotate file found. No changes made.
  [i] Backing up /etc/dnsmasq.conf to /etc/dnsmasq.conf.old
  [✓] man pages installed and database updated
  [i] Testing if systemd-resolved is enabled
  [i] Systemd-resolved is not enabled
  [✓] Restarting lighttpd service...
  [✓] Enabling lighttpd service to start on reboot...
  [i] Restarting services...
  [✓] Enabling pihole-FTL service to start on reboot...
  [✓] Restarting pihole-FTL service...
  [✓] Deleting existing list cache
  [i] Neutrino emissions detected...
  [✓] Pulling blocklist source list into range

  [✓] Preparing new gravity database
  [i] Using libz compression

  [i] Target:
  [✓] Status: Retrieval successful
  [i] Analyzed 137654 domains

  [✓] Creating new gravity databases
  [✓] Storing downloaded domains in new gravity database
  [✓] Building tree
  [✓] Swapping databases
  [i] Number of gravity domains: 137654 (137654 unique domains)
  [i] Number of exact blacklisted domains: 0
  [i] Number of regex blacklist filters: 0
  [i] Number of exact whitelisted domains: 0
  [i] Number of regex whitelist filters: 0
  [i] FTL is not running
  [✓] Cleaning up stray matter

  [✓] FTL is listening on port 53
     [✓] UDP (IPv4)
     [✓] TCP (IPv4)
     [✓] UDP (IPv6)
     [✓] TCP (IPv6)

  [✓] Pi-hole blocking is enabled

  [i] The install log is located at: /etc/pihole/install.log
  [✓] Update complete!

Cloning into 'FTL'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 297, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (297/297), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (279/279), done.
remote: Total 297 (delta 27), reused 119 (delta 14), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (297/297), 3.34 MiB | 893.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (27/27), done.

Building pihole-FTL from source.  This will take a few minutes...

  Pi-hole version is v5.12 (Latest: v5.12)
  AdminLTE version is v5.14.2 (Latest: v5.14.2)
  FTL version is v5.17-dirty (Latest: v5.17)
  [✓] FTL is listening on port 53
     [✓] UDP (IPv4)
     [✓] TCP (IPv4)
     [✓] UDP (IPv6)
     [✓] TCP (IPv6)

  [✓] Pi-hole blocking is enabled

[android@localhost ~]$

Web admin will reflect the updated version number a few moments later:


FDisk80 commented 2 years ago

Perfect. Everything is updated and working.

DesktopECHO commented 2 years ago

Pi-hole for Android 1.6 Released!