DesktopGooseUnofficial / ResourceHub

ResourceHub, for everything Desktop Goose
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Discord #37

Closed MotoAcidic closed 4 years ago

MotoAcidic commented 4 years ago

The team needs to get their discord under control and stop spamming everyone nonstop with the verify feature that was not needed at all.

ChrisChrome commented 4 years ago

The verification bot is there for a reason. We got raided, its under control now.

nyakase commented 4 years ago

On top of this, submitting an issue here won't really help as most of us don't have any control over the server.

Wuzado commented 4 years ago

Hint: DesktopGooseUnofficial

MotoAcidic commented 4 years ago

Then why blast this on the official discord if it's unofficial. Seems counter intuitive since the owner and original developer isn't running the official repo to promote something that goes against what he requested in his current release.

Link back to the itch page (on, or better yet, the YouTube video when that comes out.

With every release you are not doing this but just releasing files anyways and there is no file on your DesktopGooseUnofficial that gives the developer any credibility like he asked for.

nyakase commented 4 years ago

There is a link on the front page of the website (aka the, right at the top. This will never be hidden away from users (like on the bottom of the page). image

Also would like to remind you that Sam himself is completely fine with us existing, he just says he wouldn't be a good manager of it and thus doesn't want "Official" stamped on it. (would add a screenshot of him saying this in #goose-mods, but it got lost in the raid)

He is a part of what we do, as I have done things he has asked me to do (multiple times) - including removing decompiling tutorials and adding content ratings.

Also, if promoting unofficial things wasn't allowed, wouldn't that basically disallow all modding hubs entirely?