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Front needs some type of select league #5

Open Molyna opened 8 years ago

Molyna commented 8 years ago

Easy fix

Quist commented 8 years ago

Which url do you need it to fetch from?

Quist commented 8 years ago

I'll added the possibility for the user to specify the league name in

However, this need to change whenever you want to deploy to another league.. I don't know how we should handle this yet. @Molyna

Quist commented 8 years ago

Jeg tror vi kan løse det med å ta det som en parameter i URL'en på frontenden.

Tipper det fungerer bra med react-routing. Har du jobbet med det før @henninglh ?

Molyna commented 8 years ago

Well easiest thing to do is to create a dashboard type thingy that only contains a drop down list with created leagues and a button to create a new league. The create new league then shows a input field for name and a checkbox for "Score games" which displays if the score from the game should be shown and a checkbox for "Allow ties" which allows or disallows ties. Should be fairly simple to create really.