DessimozLab / fold_tree

snakemake pipeline for creating trees from sequence sets
MIT License
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error running script: cannot execute foldseek binary file #14

Closed ruthalee closed 10 months ago

ruthalee commented 10 months ago

Hello, I am trying to run the script with a custom database. I get the error below.

`(foldtree) rulee@infra04-wg324 fold_tree % snakemake --cores 4 --use-conda -s workflow/fold_tree --config folder=decaheme custom_structs=True /Users/ruthlee/fold_tree/ Config file /Users/ruthlee/fold_tree/workflow/config/config_vars.yaml is extended by additional config specified via the command line. Building DAG of jobs... Using shell: /bin/bash Provided cores: 4 Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down. Job stats: job count

all 1 foldseek2distmat 1 foldseek_allvall_1 1 mad_root_post 3 postprocess 3 quicktree 3 total 12

Select jobs to execute...

[Wed Jan 24 16:54:30 2024] rule foldseek_allvall_1: input: decaheme/finalset.csv output: decaheme/allvall_1.csv log: decaheme/logs/foldseekallvall.log jobid: 7 reason: Missing output files: decaheme/allvall_1.csv wildcards: folder=decaheme resources: tmpdir=/var/folders/c8/9q8d9t1x4yz69_zzdytq4bww0000gn/T

Activating conda environment: foldtree /bin/bash: /Users/ruthlee/fold_tree/foldseek/foldseek: cannot execute binary file [Wed Jan 24 16:54:30 2024] Error in rule foldseek_allvall_1: jobid: 7 input: decaheme/finalset.csv output: decaheme/allvall_1.csv log: decaheme/logs/foldseekallvall.log (check log file(s) for error details) conda-env: foldtree shell: /Users/ruthlee/fold_tree/foldseek/foldseek easy-search decaheme/structs/ decaheme/structs/ decaheme/allvall_1.csv decaheme/tmp --format-output 'query,target,fident,alnlen,mismatch,gapopen,qstart,qend,tstart,tend,evalue,bits,lddt,lddtfull,alntmscore' --exhaustive-search --alignment-type 2 -e inf --threads 1 (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)

Shutting down, this might take some time. Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message Complete log: .snakemake/log/2024-01-24T165429.787296.snakemake.log`

I followed the instructions for the installation. The only hiccup I had was with some bioconda dependencies. I have an M1 Mac, so I had force an osx-64 environment to configure the foldtree environment. I don't know if that would do anything. Any ideas? Thank so much for your help!

aamirrr-m commented 10 months ago

I think i may have found a resolution for my linux vm installation:

head to your config_vars.yaml file in fold_tree/workflow/config

find the line foldseek_path: provided

and replace provided with foldseek (all lowercase)

and try it again.

I had this issue starting from yesterday, let me know if it works for you too.

cactuskid commented 10 months ago

I've changed the configfile variable to default to just use the latest foldseek instead of the binary included in the repo ( I wanted my results to be replicable so I was using the same version throughout all my benchmarking experiments ). This shouldn't impact results though.

ruthalee commented 10 months ago

Thank you aamirr-m and cactuskid. I installed on my university's linux computing system and it ran perfectly. I'll try again on my mac with the new change, but I have something working regardless. Thank you!