I have a problem on Playstation Home that I can't place the Playground Boombox, after I select it my console freezes which happens exactly the same as in the video with my buddy "HomelanderOfThe7".
"The more I try it happens again and again"
This has to happen to everyone. I would be happy if you could fix it
My identity
Region: [SCEE]
Country: [Germany] Platform: [PS3] Online ID: [KillerHunter__98] Firmware Type: [HFW]
I have a problem on Playstation Home that I can't place the Playground Boombox, after I select it my console freezes which happens exactly the same as in the video with my buddy "HomelanderOfThe7".
"The more I try it happens again and again" This has to happen to everyone. I would be happy if you could fix it
kind regards, killerhunter ^^