DestinyItemManager / DIM

Destiny Item Manager
MIT License
2.07k stars 645 forks source link

English Localisation #3334

Closed AdmiralTriggerHappy closed 5 years ago

AdmiralTriggerHappy commented 5 years ago

I got bored and decided to localise for real english, ie GB and AU etc.

AdmiralTriggerHappy commented 5 years ago
  "AWA": {
    "ConfirmDescription": "Please use the Destiny 2 Companion App to approve DIM to modify your items.",
    "ConfirmTitle": "Confirm Action"
  "Accounts": {
    "Blizzard": "PC",
    "NoCharacters": "You have no Destiny characters associated with this account. Try logging into a different account.",
    "PlayStation": "PS4",
    "Xbox": "XB1"
  "Activities": {
    "Activities": "Activities",
    "Hard": "Hard",
    "Nightfall": "Nightfall Strike",
    "Normal": "Normal",
    "WeeklyHeroic": "Weekly Heroic Strike"
  "Badge": {
    "Max": "MAX"
  "Bucket": {
    "Armor": "Armor",
    "General": "General",
    "Ghost": "Ghost",
    "Inventory": "Inventory",
    "Postmaster": "Postmaster",
    "Progress": "Progress",
    "Reputation": "Reputation",
    "Show": "Show {{bucket}}",
    "Unknown": "Unknown",
    "Vault": "Vault",
    "Weapons": "Weapons"
  "BungieAlert": {
    "Title": "A message from Bungie:"
  "BungieService": {
    "DestinyLegacyPlatform": "Bungie's services currently have a bug that prevents DIM from loading info for your Destiny 2 account if you played Destiny 1 on a last-gen console. Bungie will fix this soon, but until then you must play Destiny 1 on a current-gen console to be able to access your info.",
    "DevVersion": "Are you running a development version of DIM? You must register your chrome extension with",
    "Difficulties": "The Bungie API is currently experiencing difficulties.",
    "ErrorTitle": " Error",
    "ItemUniqueness": "Item Uniqueness",
    "ItemUniquenessExplanation": "You tried to move the '{{name}}' {{type}} to your {{character}} but that destination already has that item and is only allowed one.",
    "ItemUniquenessExplanation_female": "You tried to move the '{{name}}' {{type}} to your {{character}} but that destination already has that item and is only allowed one.",
    "ItemUniquenessExplanation_male": "You tried to move the '{{name}}' {{type}} to your {{character}} but that destination already has that item and is only allowed one.",
    "Maintenance": " servers are down for maintenance.",
    "NetworkError": "Network error - {{status}} {{statusText}}",
    "NoAccount": "No Destiny account was found on {{platform}}. Do you have the right platform selected?",
    "NoAccountForPlatform": "Failed to find a Destiny account for you on {{platform}}.",
    "NoCookies": "No cookies found.",
    "NotConnected": "You may not be connected to the internet.",
    "NotConnectedOrBlocked": "You may not be connected to the internet, or an ad blocking or privacy extension may be blocking",
    "NotLoggedIn": "Please authorize DIM in order to use this app.",
    "Throttled": "Bungie API throttling limit exceeded. Please wait a bit and then retry.",
    "Twitter": "Get status updates on:",
    "UnknownError": " message: {{message}}",
    "VendorNotFound": "Vendor data is unavailable."
  "Compare": {
    "All": "{{type}} comparisons ({{quantity}})",
    "Archetype": "Archetype comparisons ({{quantity}})",
    "ButtonHelp": "Compare Items",
    "Close": "Close",
    "Compare": "Compare",
    "Error": {
      "Archetype": "Cannot compare this item as it is not a {{type}}.",
      "Class": "Cannot compare this item as it is not for a {{class}}."
    "ItemCount": "You have {{num}} of these.",
    "Rating": "Rating",
    "Splits": "Compare similar splits ({{quantity}})"
  "Cooldown": {
    "Grenade": "Grenade cooldown: {{cooldown}}",
    "Melee": "Melee cooldown: {{cooldown}}",
    "Super": "Super cooldown: {{cooldown}}"
  "Countdown": {
    "Days": "{{count}} Day",
    "Days_plural": "{{count}} Days"
  "Debug": {
    "Dump": "Dump info to console"
  "Destiny2": {
    "Banner": "DIM will support Destiny 2",
    "ComingSoon": "We will support your Destiny 2 characters in DIM in whatever capability we can shortly after the game is released on consoles. Give us a few weeks to learn about the game (and play ourselves!)."
  "Diagnostics": {
    "CopyToClipboard": "Copy",
    "General": {
      "Detail": "This information contains general information about the app at this time, as well as some information about your Bungie account and Destiny characters.",
      "Privacy": "The following personal information is included: Display name (gamertag etc.), your unique Bungie account ID, your account platforms, and your characters for the current account.",
      "Title": "General Information"
    "Title": "Developer Diagnostics",
    "View": "View Developer Diagnostics"
  "DtrReview": {
    "AverageRating": "({{itemRating}}) based on {{numRatings}} ratings.",
    "BestRatedKey": " = suggested perk",
    "BestRatedTip": "This perk is associated with high community ratings.",
    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "Cons": "Cons",
    "Delete": "Delete",
    "Edit": "Edit",
    "ForGameMode": "For game mode",
    "ForPlatform": "For platform(s)",
    "Help": "Write a review (optional)",
    "HelpCons": "Describe the negatives of this weapon (optional)",
    "HelpPros": "Describe the positives of this weapon (optional)",
    "ModeNotSpecified": "Not Specified",
    "NoReviews": "There are no reviews for this item, be the first!",
    "Platforms": {
      "All": "Show All",
      "AllConsoles": "All Consoles",
      "Pc": "PC Only",
      "Playstation": "Playstation Only",
      "Xbox": "XBox Only"
    "Pros": "Pros",
    "RatingsOptions": "Ratings Options",
    "ReallyReport": "Report",
    "ServiceCallError": "Destiny tracker service call failed.",
    "ServiceSubmitError": "Destiny tracker service submit failed.",
    "Submit": "Submit",
    "ThankYou": "Thank you for submitting a review! It will go live shortly.",
    "UnknownGameMode": "Unknown",
    "VerifyReport": "Are you sure you want to flag this review?",
    "YourReview": "Your Review"
  "ErrorBoundary": {
    "Title": "Something went wrong"
  "Faction": {
    "EngramsAvailable": "1 engram available",
    "EngramsAvailable_plural": "{{count}} engrams available"
  "FarmingMode": {
    "Configuration": "Configuration",
    "D2Desc": "DIM is preventing items from going to the Postmaster by making sure there's always one empty space per item type on {{store}}. It is moving items to the vault to make room.",
    "D2Desc_female": "DIM is preventing items from going to the Postmaster by making sure there's always one empty space per item type on {{store}}. It is moving items to the vault to make room.",
    "D2Desc_male": "DIM is preventing items from going to the Postmaster by making sure there's always one empty space per item type on {{store}}. It is moving items to the vault to make room.",
    "Desc": "DIM is moving Engram and Glimmer items from {{store}} to the vault and leaving one space open per item type to prevent anything from going to the Postmaster.",
    "Desc_female": "DIM is moving Engram and Glimmer items from {{store}} to the vault and leaving one space open per item type to prevent anything from going to the Postmaster.",
    "Desc_male": "DIM is moving Engram and Glimmer items from {{store}} to the vault and leaving one space open per item type to prevent anything from going to the Postmaster.",
    "FarmingMode": "Farming Mode (move items)",
    "MakeRoom": {
      "Desc": "DIM is moving only Engram and Glimmer items from {{store}} to the vault or other characters to prevent anything from going to the Postmaster.",
      "Desc_female": "DIM is moving only Engram and Glimmer items from {{store}} to the vault or other characters to prevent anything from going to the Postmaster.",
      "Desc_male": "DIM is moving only Engram and Glimmer items from {{store}} to the vault or other characters to prevent anything from going to the Postmaster.",
      "MakeRoom": "Make room to pick up items by moving equipment",
      "Tooltip": "If checked, DIM will move weapons and armour around to make space in the vault for engrams."
    "MoveTokens": "Send reputation items to the vault",
    "OutOfRoom": "You're out of space to move items off of {{character}}. Time to decrypt some engrams and clear out the trash!",
    "OutOfRoomTitle": "Out of Room",
    "Quickmove": "Quick Move",
    "Stop": "Stop"
  "Filter": {
    "Activities": {
      "AF": "Archon's Forge",
      "AoT": "Age of Triumph",
      "CD": "Crimson Doubles",
      "CE": "Crota's End",
      "CoE": "Challenge of Elders",
      "Dawning": "The Dawning",
      "IB": "Iron Banner",
      "KF": "King's Fall",
      "PoE": "Prison of Elders",
      "QW": "Queen's Wrath",
      "SRL": "Sparrow Racing",
      "ToO": "Trials of Osiris",
      "VoG": "Vault of Glass",
      "WotM": "Wrath of the Machine"
    "Activity": "Available from activity <i>{{activity}}</i>",
    "AmmoType": "Shows items based on their ammo type.",
    "ArmorCategory": "Shows armours based on their category.",
    "Ascended": "Shows items that have an ascend node and if they have been ascended or not.",
    "Categories": "High level item categories.",
    "Class": "Shows items based on their class affinity.",
    "ClickFilters": "Click filters below to apply, or by typing in the search box. ",
    "Combine": "Filters can be combined to narrow down your search: '{{example}}' will return all arc items with over 300 light.",
    "ContributeLight": "Shows items that have light and can contribute to your light level.",
    "ContributePower": "Shows items that have power and can contribute to your power level.",
    "DamageType": "Shows items based on their damage type.",
    "Description": "Description",
    "Dupe": "Shows duplicate items",
    "Engrams": "Shows engrams.",
    "EnterName": "Enter an item name:",
    "EnterNote": "Enter notes text:",
    "Equipment": "Items that can be equipped.",
    "Equipped": "Items that are currently equipped on a character.",
    "Event": "Shows items from which event in Destiny 2 they appeared in.",
    "Filter": "Filter",
    "Glimmer": {
      "Any": "Any type of glimmer item.",
      "Boost": "Items that boost the amount glimmer gained for 10 minutes.",
      "Glimmer": "Shows items that are consumables that are related to gaining glimmer:",
      "Item": "Items that are exchangeable with Rahool for 200 glimmer."
    "HasShader": "Shows items that have a shader applied.",
    "InLoadout": "Shows items that are included in any loadout.",
    "Infusable": "Shows items that can be infused.",
    "Leveling": {
      "Complete": "{{term}} - shows items that are totally complete - every upgrade unlocked.",
      "Incomplete": "{{term}} - shows items that are not complete - there's still at least one upgrade to unlock.",
      "Leveling": "Shows items at various states of levelling:",
      "NeedsXP": "{{term}} - shows items that can still have XP put into them.",
      "Upgraded": "{{term}} - shows items that have enough XP to unlock all their nodes, but not all the nodes have been unlocked.",
      "XPComplete": "{{term}} - shows items that cannot have XP put into them (whether or not their upgrades have been unlocked)."
    "LightLevel": "Shows items based on their light level (Attack for Weapons; Defence for Armor).",
    "Location": "Shows items based on their location within the app. left/middle/right are the visual location of the char, and while inleftchar will always work, the other two are based on how many characters you have. current is your last/current logged char (that is marked with a yellow triangle).",
    "LockAllFailed": "Failed to lock items",
    "LockAllSuccess": "Locked {{num}} items",
    "Locked": "Shows items based on their locked status.",
    "NamedStat": "Shows armour that has points in the named stat.",
    "Negate": "To negate a search, prefix that search term with a minus sign: {{notexample}} will find all non-engram items.",
    "NewItems": "Shows new items.",
    "Notes": "Search for items that you have tagged with custom notes",
    "Ornament": "Shows items with ornaments and filters for their status.",
    "PartialMatch": "Shows items where their name/perk has a partial match to the filter text. Search for entire phrases using quotes. the 'perk:' filter will only search perks.",
    "Postmaster": "Items that are currently in the Postmaster.",
    "PowerLevel": "Shows items based on their power level (Attack for Weapons; Defence for Armor).",
    "Quality": "Shows items based on their total stat quality percentage. '{{percentage}}' is an alias for '{{quality}}'.",
    "RandomRoll": "Shows items that drop with random rolls.",
    "RarityTier": "Shows items based on their rarity tier.",
    "Rated": "Shows all weapons that have a rating from Destiny Tracker.",
    "Rating": "Shows weapons based on their rating from Destiny Tracker.",
    "RatingCount": "Shows weapons based on the number of ratings they have for the current sandbox in Destiny Tracker.",
    "Reforgeable": "Shows items that can be reforged at the Gunsmith.",
    "Release": "Available from release <i>{{release}}</i>",
    "Releases": {
      "RoI": "Rise of Iron",
      "Vanilla": "Vanilla",
      "tTK": "The Taken King"
    "RequiredLevel": "Shows items based on their required level.",
    "Season": "Shows items from which season of Destiny 2 they appeared in.",
    "Source": {
      "Adventure": "Item is available from <i>Adventures</i>.",
      "Crucible": "Item is available from the <i>Crucible</i>.",
      "DO": "Item is available from <i>Dead Orbit</i>.",
      "Dreaming": "Item is available from <i>Dreaming City</i>.",
      "EDZ": "Item is available from the <i>European Dead Zone</i>.",
      "EP": "Item is available from <i>Escalation Protocol</i>.",
      "EV": "Item is available from <i>Eververse</i>.",
      "EoW": "Item is available from the <i>Eater of Worlds</i> raid lair.",
      "FWC": "Item is available from <i>Future War Cult</i>.",
      "Gambit": "Item is available from <i>Gambit</i>.",
      "Gunsmith": "Item is available from the <i>Gunsmith</i>.",
      "Ikora": "Item is available from <i>Ikora</i>.",
      "Io": "Item is available from <i>Io</i>.",
      "IronBanner": "Item is available from <i>Iron Banner</i>.",
      "LastWish": "Item is available from the <i>Last Wish</i> raid.",
      "Leviathan": "Item is available from the <i>Leviathan</i> raid.",
      "Mars": "Item is available from <i>Mars</i>.",
      "Mercury": "Item is available from <i>Mercury</i>.",
      "NM": "Item is available from <i>New Monarchy</i>.",
      "Nessus": "Item is available from <i>Nessus</i>.",
      "Nightfall": "Item is available from <i>Nightfall Strikes</i>.",
      "Prestige": "Item is available from any <i>Prestige Raid</i>.",
      "Raid": "Item is available from any <i>Raid</i> or <i>Raid Lair</i>.",
      "Shipwright": "Item is available from the <i>Shipwright</i>.",
      "SoS": "Item is available from the <i>Spire of Stars</i> raid lair.",
      "Tangled": "Item is available from <i>Tangled Shore</i>.",
      "Titan": "Item is available from <i>Titan</i>.",
      "Trials": "Item is available from the <i>Trials of the Nine</i>.",
      "Zavala": "Item is available from <i>Zavala</i>."
    "StackLevel": "Shows items based on the quantity of items in its stack.",
    "Stackable": "Shows items that can stack (ammo synths, strange coin, etc)",
    "Stats": "Shows items based on their stat value. The available filters are:",
    "Tags": {
      "Dismantle": "Shows items you wish to eventually dismantle.",
      "Favorite": "Shows favourite items.",
      "Infuse": "Shows items you wish to eventually infuse.",
      "Keep": "Shows keep items.",
      "NoTag": "Shows items without a tag."
    "Tracked": "Shows quests/bounties based on their tracked status.",
    "Transferable": "Items that can be moved between characters.",
    "UnlockAllFailed": "Failed to unlock items",
    "UnlockAllSuccess": "Unlocked {{num}} items",
    "Vendor": "Item is available from vendor <i>{{vendor}}</i> {{name}}",
    "Vendor_noname": "Item is available from vendor <i>{{vendor}}</i>",
    "Vendors": {
      "CQ": "Crucible Quartermaster",
      "DO": "Dead Orbit",
      "EV": "Eververse",
      "FWC": "Future War Cult",
      "Gunsmith": "Gunsmith",
      "NM": "New Monarchy",
      "Shipwright": "Shipwright",
      "Speaker": "Speaker"
    "VideoExample": "Visit {{link}} for an in-depth search filter guide.",
    "WeaponClass": "Shows items based on their weapon classes.",
    "WeaponType": "Shows weapons based on their weapon type.",
    "Year": "Shows items from which year of Destiny they appeared in."
  "Header": {
    "About": "About",
    "Back": "Go Back",
    "BulkTag": "Bulk tag items",
    "BungieNetAlert": "Bungie Alert",
    "FilterHelp": "Search item/perk or {{example}}",
    "FilterHelpBrief": "Search items",
    "Filters": "Filters",
    "InstallDIM": "Install DIM",
    "Inventory": "Inventory",
    "Refresh": "Refresh Destiny Data",
    "ReportBug": "Bug Report",
    "Shop": "Shop",
    "SupportDIM": "Backers",
    "UpgradeDIM": "Update DIM",
    "WhatsNew": "What's New"
  "Help": {
    "CannotMove": "Cannot move that item off this character.",
    "Drag": "Hold shift or pause over drop zone to transfer a partial stack.",
    "HidePopup": "Hide This Popup",
    "NoStorage": "DIM can't store data",
    "NoStorageMessage": "DIM can't store data in your browser. This can be caused by browsing in private or incognito mode, or when you have low disk space.",
    "UpdateAvailable": "DIM Updated",
    "UpdateAvailableMessage": "An update is available for DIM. Reload the page to update.",
    "Version_beta": "Beta has been updated to v{{version}}",
    "Version_release": "DIM v{{version}} Released"
  "Hotkey": {
    "ClearNewItems": "Clear new items",
    "ClearNewItemsTitle": "Keyboard shortcut: X",
    "MarkItemAs": "Mark item as '{{tag}}'",
    "RefreshInventory": "Refresh inventory",
    "StartSearch": "Start a search",
    "StartSearchClear": "Start a fresh search",
    "ToggleDetails": "Toggle showing full item details"
  "Infusion": {
    "BringGear": "Will bring {{name}} to:",
    "Calc": "Infusion calculator",
    "InfuseSource": "Select item to infuse {{name}} into:",
    "InfuseTarget": "Select item to infuse into {{name}}:",
    "Infusion": "Infusion Fuel Finder",
    "InfusionMaterials": "Infusion Materials",
    "LockedItems": "Include 'locked' items",
    "NoItems": "No infusible items available.",
    "NoTransfer": "Transfer infusion material\n {{target}} cannot be moved.",
    "ShowItems": "Show infusible items across all characters and vault",
    "TransferItems": "Transfer items",
    "Uninfusable": "This item cannot be infused."
  "ItemInfoService": {
    "SaveInfoErrorDescription": "There's been a problem saving DIM-specific info for an item. One problem is that there is a limit on how much data can be stored - this is why tags and notes have not yet been allowed out of the Beta version. The error was: {{error}}.",
    "SaveInfoErrorTitle": "Error saving item info"
  "ItemMove": {
    "Consolidate": "Consolidated {{name}}",
    "Distributed": "Distributed {{name}}\n {{name}} is now equally divided between characters.",
    "ToStore": "All {{name}} are now on your {{store}}.",
    "ToVault": "All {{name}} are now in your vault."
  "ItemService": {
    "BucketFull": {
      "Guardian": "There are too many '{{itemtype}}' items on your {{store}}.",
      "Guardian_female": "There are too many '{{itemtype}}' items on your {{store}}.",
      "Guardian_male": "There are too many '{{itemtype}}' items on your {{store}}.",
      "Vault": "There are too many '{{itemtype}}' items in the {{store}}."
    "Classified": "This item is classified and cannot be transferred at this time.",
    "Classified2": "Classified item. Bungie does not yet provide information about this item. Add notes to this item and use the \"notes:\" search filter to find it.",
    "Deequip": "Cannot find another item to equip to unequip {{itemname}}",
    "ExoticError": "'{{itemname}}' cannot be equipped because the exotic in the {{slot}} slot cannot be unequipped. ({{error}})",
    "NotEnoughRoom": "There's nothing we can move out of {{store}} to make room for {{itemname}}",
    "OnlyEquippedClassLevel": "This can only be equipped on a {{class}} at or above level {{level}}.",
    "OnlyEquippedLevel": "This can only be equipped on characters at or above level {{level}}.",
    "PercentComplete": "({{percent, pct}} Complete)",
    "PreviewVendor": "Preview {{type}} contents",
    "TooMuch": "Looks like you requested to move more of this item than exists in the source!",
    "TwoExotics": "We don't know how you got more than 2 equipped exotics!"
  "LB": {
    "AdvancedOptions": "Advanced Options",
    "ClearLocked": "Clear Locked",
    "ContainsVendorItems": "This loadout contains vendor items",
    "Current": "Current",
    "Equip": "Equip on {{character}}",
    "Exclude": "Excluded Items",
    "ExcludeHelp": "Shift + click an item (or drag and drop into this bucket) to build sets without specific gear.",
    "FilterSets": "Filter sets",
    "Guardians": "Guardians",
    "Help": {
      "And": "Armor with all these perks will be used (\"and\")",
      "ChangeNodes": "Change the Intellect, Discipline, or Strength nodes in game to what is displayed to create each loadout.",
      "Discipline": "Discipline speeds up Grenade recharge time",
      "DragAndDrop": "Drag and drop items into the locked buckets to build sets with only that gear",
      "Help": "Need help?",
      "HigherTiers": "Higher Tiers are better",
      "Intellect": "Intellect speeds up Super recharge time",
      "Lock": "Lock a set of perks by clicking a lock bucket and selecting perks",
      "MultiPerk": "To use armour with multiple perks together shift + click the desired perks",
      "NoPerk": "If a perk doesn't appear it means that you own no armour with that perk",
      "Or": "Armor with any of these perks will be used (\"or\")",
      "ShiftClick": "Shift click an item to build sets without that gear",
      "StatsIncrease": "As an items defence level increases, the stats on that item (int/dis/str) also increase.",
      "Strength": "Strength speeds up Melee recharge time",
      "Synergy": "Try to find armour that has ammo increasing perks for weapon types that you use.",
      "Tier11Example": "4/5/2 (a Tier 11 build) is 4 Intellect, 5 Discipline, 2 Strength (4+5+2 = Tier 11)"
    "HideAllConfigs": "Hide all configurations",
    "HideConfigs": "Hide configurations",
    "HideGear": "Hide {{class}} gear",
    "IncludeRare": "Include rare (blue) items",
    "LB": "Loadout Builder",
    "LightMode": {
      "HelpCurrent": "Calculates loadouts at current defence levels.",
      "HelpScaled": "Calculates loadouts as if all items were 350 defence.",
      "LightMode": "Light mode"
    "Loading": "Loading best sets",
    "LockEquipped": "Lock Equipped",
    "LockPerk": "Lock perk",
    "Locked": "Locked Items",
    "LockedHelp": "Drag and drop any item into its bucket to build set with that specific gear. Shift + click to exclude items.",
    "Missing1": "Missing legendary or exotic pieces to build a full set!",
    "Missing2": "Missing rare, legendary, or exotic pieces to build a full set!",
    "ProcessingMode": {
      "Fast": "Fast",
      "Full": "Full",
      "HelpFast": "Only looks at your best gear.",
      "HelpFull": "Looks at more gear, but takes longer.",
      "ProcessingMode": "Processing mode"
    "Scaled": "Scaled",
    "ShowAllConfigs": "Show all configurations",
    "ShowConfigs": "Show configurations",
    "ShowGear": "Show {{class}} gear",
    "Vendor": "Include Vendor items"
  "LoadoutBuilder": {
    "Autosuggest": "Search for a perk",
    "BadPerk": "\nAny perk that only \"Slightly\" modifies is generally considered not the best option.",
    "BurnTypeArc": "Arc",
    "BurnTypeSolar": "Solar",
    "BurnTypeVoid": "Void",
    "CreateLoadout": "Create Loadout",
    "EquipItems": "Equip on {{name}}",
    "GeneratedBuilds": "Builds",
    "Loading": "Generating builds... {{loading}}%",
    "LockEquipped": "Lock equipped items",
    "LockItemTabTitle": "Items",
    "LockItemTitle": "Drag item to lock (Shift-click to exclude)",
    "LockPerksTabTitle": "Perks",
    "LockPerksTitle": "Select perks to lock",
    "Mobility": "Mobility",
    "NoBuildsFound": "No Generated Builds Found",
    "Recovery": "Recovery",
    "RequirePerks": "Widen search and retry",
    "ResetLocked": "Reset locked items",
    "Resilience": "Resilience",
    "SelectCharacter": "Select Character",
    "SelectFilter": "Filters",
    "SelectFilters": "Filters",
    "SelectLockedItems": "Lock items and perks",
    "SelectMax": "- Max -",
    "SelectMin": "- Min -",
    "SelectPower": "Minimum Power",
    "SelectPowerMinimum": "- None -",
    "SelectTier": "Build Tier",
    "SelectTierHeader": "- Tier {{tier}} -",
    "ShowMore": "Show More",
    "Title": "Loadout Builder (Beta)",
    "Traction": "\nThe Traction perk provides +1 Mobility."
  "Loadouts": {
    "AlreadyExistsClass": "A loadout with this name already exists for your {{className}}.",
    "AlreadyExistsGlobal": "A global loadout with this name already exists.",
    "Any": "Any class",
    "Applied": "Your single item loadout has been transferred to your {{store}}.",
    "AppliedAuto": "Automatic Loadout Builder",
    "AppliedError": "None of the items in your loadout could be transferred.",
    "AppliedWarn": "Your loadout has been partially transferred, but {{failed}} of {{total}} items had errors.",
    "Applied_female": "Your single item loadout has been transferred to your {{store}}.",
    "Applied_male": "Your single item loadout has been transferred to your {{store}}.",
    "Applied_plural": "Your loadout of {{count}} items have been transferred to your {{store}}.",
    "Applied_plural_female": "Your loadout of {{count}} items have been transferred to your {{store}}.",
    "Applied_plural_male": "Your loadout of {{count}} items have been transferred to your {{store}}.",
    "ApplySearch": "Transfer search \"{{query}}\"",
    "Before": "Before '{{name}}'",
    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "ChangeName": "Change name",
    "Classified": "Some of your items are classified, and cannot be included in the max power calculation.",
    "ConfirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete '{{name}}'?",
    "CouldNotEquip": "Could not equip {{itemname}}",
    "Create": "Create Loadout",
    "Delete": "Delete Loadout",
    "DeleteErrorDescription": "Unable to delete loadout {{loadoutName}}: {{error}}.",
    "DeleteErrorTitle": "Error deleting loadout",
    "DoesNotExist": "{{itemname}} doesn't exist in your account.",
    "Edit": "Edit Loadout",
    "EditLoadoutName": "Edit Loadout {{loadoutName}}",
    "FilteredItems": "Filtered Items",
    "FromEquipped": "Equipped",
    "GatherEngrams": "Gather Engrams",
    "GatherEngramsExceptExotics": "Exotics",
    "GatherTokens": "Gather Reputation Items",
    "ItemLeveling": "Item Levelling",
    "ItemsWithIcon": "Items with this icon will be equipped. Click on an item to toggle equip.",
    "LoadoutName": "Loadout Name...",
    "Loadouts": "Loadouts",
    "MakeRoom": "Make Room for Postmaster",
    "MakeRoomDone": "Finished making room for 1 Postmaster item by moving 1 item off of {{store}}.",
    "MakeRoomDone_female": "Finished making room for 1 Postmaster item by moving 1 item off of {{store}}.",
    "MakeRoomDone_male": "Finished making room for 1 Postmaster item by moving 1 item off of {{store}}.",
    "MakeRoomDone_plural": "Finished making room for {{count}} Postmaster items by moving {{movedNum}} items off of {{store}}.",
    "MakeRoomDone_plural_female": "Finished making room for {{count}} Postmaster items by moving {{movedNum}} items off of {{store}}.",
    "MakeRoomDone_plural_male": "Finished making room for {{count}} Postmaster items by moving {{movedNum}} items off of {{store}}.",
    "MakeRoomError": "Unable to make room for all Postmaster items: {{error}}.",
    "MaxSlots": "You can only have {{slots}} of that kind of item in a loadout.",
    "MaximizeLight": "Maximize Light",
    "MaximizePower": "Maximize Power",
    "NameRequired": "A name is required.",
    "NoEngrams": "No non-exotic engrams are available to transfer.",
    "NoExotics": "No engrams are available to transfer.",
    "NoTokens": "No reputation items are available to transfer.",
    "OnlyItems": "Only equippable items, materials, and consumables can be added to a loadout.",
    "PullFromPostmaster": "Collect Postmaster",
    "PullFromPostmasterDone": "Finished pulling 1 Postmaster item to {{store}}.",
    "PullFromPostmasterDone_female": "Finished pulling 1 Postmaster item to {{store}}.",
    "PullFromPostmasterDone_male": "Finished pulling 1 Postmaster item to {{store}}.",
    "PullFromPostmasterDone_plural": "Finished pulling {{count}} Postmaster items to {{store}}.",
    "PullFromPostmasterDone_plural_female": "Finished pulling {{count}} Postmaster items to {{store}}.",
    "PullFromPostmasterDone_plural_male": "Finished pulling {{count}} Postmaster items to {{store}}.",
    "PullFromPostmasterError": "Unable to pull from Postmaster: {{error}}.",
    "PullFromPostmasterPopupTitle": "Pull from Postmaster",
    "PullMakeSpace": "Space",
    "Random": "Random",
    "Randomize": "Randomize your equipped weapons, armour, ghost, and artefact?",
    "RestoreAllItems": "All Items",
    "Save": "Save",
    "SaveAsNew": "Save As New",
    "SaveErrorDescription": "Unable to save loadout {{loadoutName}}: {{error}}.",
    "SaveErrorTitle": "Error saving loadout",
    "TooManyRequested": "You have {{total}} {{itemname}} but your loadout asks for {{requested}}. We transfered all you had.",
    "VendorsCanEquip": "These items can be equipped:",
    "VendorsCannotEquip": "These items cannot be equipped because you don't have them:"
  "Manifest": {
    "Build": "Building Destiny info database",
    "Download": "Downloading latest Destiny info from Bungie",
    "Error": "Error loading Destiny info:\n{{error}}\nReload to retry.",
    "Load": "Loading saved Destiny info",
    "LoadCharInv": "Loading Destiny characters and inventory",
    "Outdated": "Outdated Destiny Info",
    "OutdatedExplanation": "Bungie has updated their Destiny info database. Reload DIM to pick up the new info. Note that some things in DIM may not work for a few hours after Bungie updates Destiny, as the new data propagates through their systems.",
    "Save": "Saving latest Destiny info",
    "Unzip": "Unzipping latest Destiny info"
  "MoveAmount": {
    "Decrement": "One fewer",
    "DownStack": "Decrease down to the next full stack",
    "Increment": "One more",
    "Max": "Total amount in this location",
    "Min": "Minimum stack (1)",
    "UpStack": "Increase up to the next full stack"
  "MovePopup": {
    "CantPullFromPostmaster": "You must go to the tower to retrieve this item.",
    "Consolidate": "Consolidate",
    "DistributeEvenly": "Distribute Evenly",
    "Equip": "Equip",
    "Infuse": "Infuse",
    "LockUnlock_Lock": "Lock {{itemType}}",
    "LockUnlock_Unlock": "Unlock {{itemType}}",
    "OverviewTab": "Overview",
    "ReadLore": "Read lore on Ishtar Collective",
    "ReviewsTab": "Reviews",
    "Rewards": "Rewards:",
    "Split": "Split",
    "Store": "Store",
    "Subtitle_Consumable": "{{classType}} {{typeName}}",
    "Subtitle_Gear": "{{light}} {{statName}} {{classType}} {{typeName}}",
    "Subtitle_Stackable_Unique": "Quantity: {{amount}}/{{maxStackSize}} (MAX).",
    "Subtitle_Stackable_UniqueMax": "Quantity: {{amount}} (MAX).",
    "Take": "Take",
    "TrackUntrack_Track": "Track {{itemType}}",
    "TrackUntrack_Untrack": "Untrack {{itemType}}",
    "Vault": "Vault"
  "Notes": {
    "Error": "Error! Max 120 characters for notes.",
    "Help": "Add notes to this item"
  "Objectives": {
    "Complete": "Complete",
    "Incomplete": "Incomplete"
  "Progress": {
    "CrucibleRank": "Ranks",
    "Daily": "Daily",
    "ExpiresIn": "expires at {{endTime}}",
    "Factions": "Factions",
    "Milestones": "Milestones & Challenges",
    "PercentPrestige": "{{pct}}% to reset",
    "ProfileMilestones": "Account Milestones",
    "ProfileQuests": "Account Quests",
    "Progress": "Progress",
    "QuestExpires": "Expires in ",
    "RecordValue": "{{value}}pts",
    "RewardEarned": "Reward earned but not redeemed",
    "RewardNotEarned": "Reward not earned",
    "RewardRedeemed": "Reward redeemed",
    "SecretTriumph": "Secret Triumph",
    "Weekly": "Weekly"
  "RecordBooks": {
    "HideCompleted": "Hide completed records",
    "RecordBooks": "Record Books"
  "Settings": {
    "AllowIdPostToDtr": "Show detailed weapon reviews and allow rating weapons",
    "AllowIdPostToDtrLine2": "This will share your account name and reviewed items with Destiny Tracker.",
    "AlwaysShowDetails": "Always show expanded item popup",
    "CharacterOrder": "Sort characters by",
    "CharacterOrderFixed": "Character age (buggy on PC)",
    "CharacterOrderRecent": "Most recent character",
    "CharacterOrderReversed": "Most recent character (reversed)",
    "ColorA11y": "Color blindness configuration",
    "ColumnSize": "{{num}} items",
    "ColumnSizeAuto": "Auto",
    "Data": "Spreadsheets",
    "DontForgetDupes": "Don't forget you can search is:dupe or is:dupelower to quickly find duplicate items, and you can use the comparison tool to evaluate related items.",
    "EnableAdvancedStats": "Show stat quality rating on armour (D1)",
    "ExportSS": "Inventory spreadsheets",
    "ExportSSHelp": "Download a CSV list of your items that can be easily viewed in the spreadsheet app of your choice.",
    "ExportSSNoStores": "You need to load your inventory once before clicking this button.",
    "General": "General",
    "Inventory": "Inventory Display",
    "InventoryColumns": "Character inventory width",
    "InventoryColumnsMobile": "Character inventory width on mobile portrait",
    "InventoryColumnsMobileLine2": "The items will be resized to accommodate the new setting",
    "Items": "Item Display",
    "Language": "Language",
    "LogOut": "Log out",
    "RatingInfo": "DIM supports automatic quality ratings for armour (based on roll) in D1, and community ratings for weapons (and armour in D2) provided by <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Destiny Tracker</a>.",
    "Ratings": "Ratings",
    "ReloadDIM": "Reload DIM to finish switching language",
    "ResetToDefault": "Reset",
    "ReviewsModeSelection": "Only show ratings for the following play mode",
    "ReviewsPlatformSelection": "Only show ratings from the following platform",
    "SetSort": "Sort items by:",
    "Settings": "Settings",
    "ShowAnimations": "Animate the new item shine",
    "ShowAnimationsHelp": "Will show the animated new item shine on new items. Turning this off can save CPU cycles.",
    "ShowElemental": "Show elemental damage icons on weapons",
    "ShowOverlay": "Show new items with a shiny overlay",
    "ShowReviews": "Show community ratings on weapons",
    "SizeItem": "Item size",
    "SortByBasePower": "Base power (D2 only)",
    "SortByClassType": "Required Class",
    "SortByPrimary": "Primary Stat (Attack/Defence)",
    "SortByRarity": "Rarity",
    "SortByRating": "Community Rating or Armor Quality",
    "SortByType": "Type",
    "SortCustom": "Custom Sort",
    "SortName": "Name",
    "SortPrimary": "Primary stat (attack or defence)",
    "SortRarity": "Rarity, then primary stat",
    "SortRoll": "Community rating or armour quality",
    "VaultColumns": "Vault maximum inventory width"
  "Stats": {
    "Discipline": "Discipline",
    "Intellect": "Intellect",
    "Level": "Level",
    "MaxBasePower": "Max Power",
    "NoBonus": "No Bonus",
    "NotApplicable": "N/A",
    "OfMaxRoll": "{{range}} of max roll",
    "PercentHelp": "Click for more information about what Stats Quality is.",
    "Prestige": "Prestige Level: {{level}}\n{{exp}}xp until 5 motes of light.",
    "PrestigeD2": "Prestige Level: {{level}}\n{{exp}}xp until a bright engram.",
    "Quality": "Stats quality",
    "Strength": "Strength",
    "TierProgress": "T{{tier}} {{statName}} ({{progress}}/60 for T{{nextTier}})\n",
    "TierProgress_Max": "T{{tier}} {{statName}} ({{progress}}/300)\n"
  "Storage": {
    "BrowserMayClearData": "The browser may delete this information if you run out of space or don't visit DIM frequently.",
    "ChromeSyncStorage": "Chrome Sync (Extension Only)",
    "ClearIgnoredUsers": "Clear Ignored Reviewers",
    "Details": {
      "ChromeSyncStorage": "If you are logged in to Chrome, this will sync your data to other Chrome instances. It does not work on the DIM website.",
      "GoogleDriveStorage": "DIM can save data to Google Drive's app storage. If you sign in to Google Drive on multiple browsers, your data will be shared everywhere. This data is stored per Bungie account.",
      "IndexedDBStorage": "Local storage will save your information only on this browser. Clearing your browsing data will delete this information."
    "Disabled": "Disabled",
    "DriveLogout": "Log out of Google Drive",
    "DriveSync": "Log in to Google Drive",
    "Enabled": "Enabled",
    "Explain": "DIM stores its own data separate from your Destiny data (which is maintained by",
    "Export": "Back up DIM data",
    "ForceSync": "Force sync data from Google Drive",
    "ForceSyncWarning": "This will overwrite any local data with the data from Google Drive. Are you sure you want to do that?",
    "GDriveLogout": "Your data is still in Google Drive - if you log in again, DIM will go back to using it.",
    "GDriveRevisions": "Restore Old Versions",
    "GDriveSignInError": "Error signing in to Google Drive:",
    "GDriveSignInWarning": "If you already have saved DIM data in Google Drive, it will overwrite anything you have saved locally. You may want to back up your data before signing in.\n\nContinue to sign in to Google Drive?",
    "GoogleApiBlocked": "Google Drive is not available because a content blocker has blocked the Google Drive JavaScript. Please exclude DIM from content blockers and try again.",
    "GoogleDriveStorage": "Google Drive",
    "IgnoredUsers": "{{value}} ignored community reviewers",
    "Import": "Import DIM data from file",
    "ImportConfirm": "Are you sure you want to overwrite your current settings with this version?",
    "ImportExport": "Back Up Data",
    "ImportNoFile": "No file selected!",
    "ImportSuccess": "Imported DIM data!",
    "IndexedDBStorage": "Local Browser Storage",
    "LoadRevision": "Load Content",
    "LoadoutsD1": "{{value}} Destiny 1 loadouts",
    "LoadoutsD2": "{{value}} Destiny 2 loadouts",
    "NoData": "No data",
    "RestoreRevision": "Restore",
    "RevisionsDescription": "Google Drive saves the last 100 revisions of your settings. Use this page to load old versions and restore them.",
    "Settings": "Your DIM settings and preferences",
    "StatLabel": "This currently contains:",
    "TagNotesD1": "{{value}} Destiny 1 items with tags or notes",
    "TagNotesD2": "{{value}} Destiny 2 items with tags or notes",
    "Title": "Data Storage",
    "Usage": "DIM is using {{usage, humanBytes}} out of {{quota, humanBytes}} available to it on this device. This includes the downloaded Destiny item databases from",
    "GoogleDriveUsage": "Your Google Drive has {{usage, humanBytes}} total used out of {{limit, humanBytes}}. DIM is using {{dimQuotaUsed, humanBytes}} of that. If Google Drive fills up DIM will not be able to save data.",
    "GoogleDriveUsageNoFile": "Your Google Drive has {{usage, humanBytes}} out of {{limit, humanBytes}} free. We couldn't find info about the DIM file, which may indicate a problem. If Google Drive fills up DIM will not be able to save data.",
    "GoogleDriveUsageUnlimited": "Your Google Drive storage is unlimited."
  "StoreBucket": {
    "FillStack": "Fill Stack ({{amount}})",
    "HowMuch": "How much {{itemname}} to move?",
    "Move": "Move"
  "SyncService": {
    "GoogleDriveReAuth": "To re-authorize google drive, you must restart your browser.",
    "OneItemTooLarge": "Your save file has an item that is too large. Most likely a saved loadout has too many items.",
    "SaveTooLarge": "Your save file is too large.  Remove saved loadouts."
  "Tags": {
    "ClearTag": "Clear",
    "Favorite": "Favourite",
    "Infuse": "Infuse",
    "Junk": "Junk",
    "Keep": "Keep",
    "LockAll": "Lock Items",
    "TagItem": "Tag Item",
    "TagItems": "Tag Items",
    "UnlockAll": "Unlock Items"
  "TrialsCard": {
    "FiveWins": "5 Win Reward (Armor)",
    "Flawless": "Flawless",
    "SevenWins": "7 Win Reward (Weapon)"
  "Vendors": {
    "All": "All",
    "ArmorAndWeapons": "Armor & Weapons",
    "Available": "Available on:",
    "Bounties": "Bounties",
    "Catalysts": "Catalysts",
    "CatalystsDisclaimer": "DIM can only show exotic masterwork catalysts that you have earned for items in your inventory.",
    "Collections": "Collections",
    "Compare": "Compare with what you already have:",
    "Consumables": "Consumables",
    "DestinyMap": "Find collectibles on lowlines' Destiny map",
    "DestinySets": "Browse more item sets at Destiny Sets",
    "Emotes": "Emotes",
    "Engram": "Reward Engram",
    "Load": "Loading Vendors",
    "OrnamentsDisclaimer": "DIM can only show ornaments that could be unlocked on items you have in your inventory.",
    "ShadersAndEmblems": "Shaders & Emblems",
    "ShipsAndVehicles": "Ships & Vehicles",
    "Vendors": "Vendors"
  "Views": {
    "About": {
      "BungieCopyright": "All images and content are property of Bungie. Please contact us if there are any issues.",
      "ContactUs": "Contact Us",
      "Discord": "Discord",
      "DiscordHelp": "Ask questions, give feedback, and get support in our Discord channels.",
      "FAQ": "FAQ",
      "FAQAccess": "How does DIM get access to my Destiny data?",
      "FAQAccessAnswer": "We use Bungie's app authentication to grant access to DIM to see and move your items. DIM never sees your username or password. This is the same way the Companion app works.",
      "FAQD2": "Will DIM support Destiny 2?",
      "FAQD2Answer": "Yes! We expect to support Destiny 2 shortly after it's launched (and we've had a chance to play the game ourselves). Expect DIM to start with the easy stuff (showing and moving your items) and working up to cooler features as we all discover what D2 has in store for us. The same DIM website will support Destiny 2 and Destiny 1 at the same time, and you'll be able to switch back and forth between your D1 and D2 characters.",
      "FAQDupeGally": "Hey, DIM duplicated my Gjallarhorn!",
      "FAQDupeGallyAnswer": "No, we didn't. Promise.",
      "FAQKeyboard": "Does DIM support keyboard shortcuts?",
      "FAQKeyboardAnswer": "Yes! Press \"?\" to see a list of available shortcuts.",
      "FAQLogout": "How can I log out of DIM?",
      "FAQLogoutAnswer": "Click on your account in the top right of the screen and choose \"Log out\".",
      "FAQLostItem": "I lost my item using your tool!",
      "FAQLostItemAnswer": "Bungie doesn't allow apps to delete items (even their own app!). More than likely a transfer failed, leaving your item in the vault or on another character. You could search for the item. If that doesn't turn it up, reload the page. Check {{link}} or in game to see if your item still exists. We're sure it's still there.",
      "FAQMobile": "Does DIM support mobile? Will there be an app?",
      "FAQMobileAnswer": "The DIM website can be loaded on phones and tablets today! We're still working on making our information-rich interface comfortable on phones, though. Make sure to bookmark DIM to your home screen. We may release an app in the future, but it'll be almost exactly the same as the website.",
      "GitHub": "GitHub",
      "GitHubHelp": "If you're interested in contributing to the project, visit us at our project page on {{link}}.",
      "Header": "About Destiny Item Manager (DIM)",
      "HowItsMade": "DIM is built upon the same services used by and the Destiny Companion App. DIM can access the items within your Guardians' inventory and the Vault for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. You then can drag and drop items anywhere you wish to move them.",
      "Reddit": "Reddit",
      "RedditHelp": "If you have questions, comments, or suggestions - let us know!",
      "Schedule_beta": "This beta version of DIM is updated every time we change the code - it gets the latest features and fixes, but also the latest bugs!",
      "Schedule_release": "This version of DIM is updated once a week, in the afternoon on Saturdays, US Pacific time.",
      "Translation": "Join the Translation Team!",
      "TranslationText": "We use {{link}} for ease of translation. If you want to improve one of DIM's translations, join the team.",
      "Twitter": "Twitter",
      "TwitterHelp": "Be sure to follow us to stay on top of updates and real-time application state information.",
      "Version": "Version {{version}} ({{flavor}}), built on {{date}}"
    "Login": {
      "Auth": "Authorize with",
      "Explanation": "Allow DIM to view and modify your Destiny characters, vault, and progression.",
      "LearnMore": "Do you want to know more?",
      "Permission": "We need your permission..."
    "Support": {
      "Backers": "Backers",
      "BackersDetail": "Support us with a one-time or monthly donation and help us continue our active development.",
      "FreeToDownload": "DIM is a product that is free to download and use. The source code for DIM is open sourced, and free to anyone to enhance. You will never see an ad in DIM. That is our commitment.",
      "OpenCollective": "We are using {{link}} as a service to provide compensation to our developers for their dedication and time spent on this project.",
      "Sponsors": "Sponsors",
      "SponsorsDetail": "Become a sponsor and get your logo here with a link to your site.",
      "Support": "Supporting DIM",
      "Teespring": "We also have shirts with our new logo for sale on {{link}}"
philkernick commented 5 years ago

Cool, but be careful.

en_AU is not the same as en_GB. It actually falls somewhere between en_GB and en_US.

It's also critical that we don't break user experience.

While I agree that "armour" is the correct spelling (for en_AU), I am so used to the filter being is:armor and this being the way it is shown in-game for an en_AU Xbox that if it changed there would be complaining.

delphiactual commented 5 years ago

You effectively changed 27 strings to the following spelling (armour, levelling, defence, favourite, infusible, & artefact). An extension that automatically changes words would be better suited for this as it would not unnecessarily bloat the translation files with minor spelling deviations.