DestinyItemManager / DIM

Destiny Item Manager
MIT License
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Action log / Notification center #4633

Open bhollis opened 4 years ago

bhollis commented 4 years ago

We've talked about this in the past a few times - the idea of a page that shows a log of actions DIM has taken (for some reasonable window) and offers an "undo" for things like applying loadouts, item moves, etc. This would address issues where we had to move a bunch of stuff in order to make something succeed, since people could then hit a button (or buttons? this could get complex) to put it back.

gaspardip commented 4 years ago

Since redux is already in place, I think the store could be used to implement this feature.

bhollis commented 8 months ago

This could / should be expanded into a "notification center" that shows a log of notifications that've been shown. This would allow for showing notifications for less time, and potentially even opting out of notifications (by type even?).