DestinyItemManager / DIM

Destiny Item Manager
MIT License
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differences between DIM and Destiny-Internal. #6534

Closed Ted-Env closed 3 years ago

Ted-Env commented 3 years ago

What version of DIM are you using? Find the version in "About DIM" from the menu (the button with three bars on the upper left of the screen). Is the DIM icon orange, or blue? image

What Browser and OS are you using? It helps to know what type of browser and what version you're using. Have you installed DIM as an app through Chrome or Safari? Chrome, Windows OS

Describe the bug and how to make it happen Tell us what's wrong. A great format for bug reports is "I did X, and I expected Y, but instead Z happened." If it helps illustrate the issue, please add screenshots to help explain your problem. D2 リロード数値 おかしいin DIM 2021-02-20 154841

This is about the Elemental Capacitor.

There is difference between In-Game value and DIM's value. In-Game value is before reflecting conditions. DIM's value is after reflecting multiple conditions.

at least, multiple conditions are applied that is not right.

If Adopting multiple conditions, then I request you those colors like: solar subclass: orange arc subclass: cyan void subclass: purple stasis subclass: dark blue Or set same value of Game to those item of holding the Elemental Capacitor.

Include devtools console logs If you can, open the devtools console (ctrl+shift+J on PC and cmd+option+J on Mac) and paste what you see in the window that pops up:

Paste console logs here
48klocs commented 3 years ago

Could you inspect your item in the Destiny Companion App and let us know if you're seeing a discrepancy between its values and DIM's?

Ted-Env commented 3 years ago

Thanks 48klocs,

Now I inspected,

let us know if you're seeing a discrepancy between its values and DIM's?

there is no discrepancy.

Then, this is Destiny 2 supplier's matter.

Could you write here the feedback URL that Destiny 2 supplier see/handle ?

48klocs commented 3 years ago

Thanks for checking that for us.

If the values are the same, then it's almost certainly a known limitation of how things work (see for one such example) - the API gets numbers, but the game servers can do things beyond that baseline input to change them. Neither Bungie nor us can do much about that.