Desuuuu / Marlin

Optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Modified with a new DWIN T5UID1 touchscreen implementation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Issue with filament detection #25

Closed DaKrampus closed 3 years ago

DaKrampus commented 3 years ago

I did have a broken filament on a CR10S Pro and it did stop, although it was a bit late. but i had another problem with this one and a second cr10s pro. I wanted to start printing and had forgotten to load the filament. i realized it quite quickly, but Instead of stopping the print and putting in the filament, i let the printer continue to see what it would do... well it started printing although the stock filament detector was off (the light only lights when a filament is present). In my understandig it should not start to print.

I tried to reproduce the error with the other printer and it showed exactly the same behaviour. i.e. starts to print without filament. I know you dont have time for this.. but any hint to where to look in the firmware?

I am using your bugfix 2.0x version.. any files i should replace from the original marlin bugfix version ?


Desuuuu commented 3 years ago

Can you check what's reported by M119 with and without the sensor triggered?

Unless you have a specific need to run a more recent version, I highly suggest you try version as well.

Edit: You should also run M412 to check if runout detection is enabled.

DaKrampus commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the quick response.. i did what you told me and saw that it does work. although it did some confusing things for me. But the log file speaks for itself.

But first of all: The reason I am using the bugfix version is your fix for the pronterface access. A month ago, you wrote that you had added the fix in the bugfix version. that is why i am using it. and it is working great.

Now thank you for your hints, it resolved my problem.

I should have read the config file first: Quote: _* IMPORTANT: Runout will only trigger if Marlin is aware that a print job is running.

That is why it had started printing before giving alert.!!! In future i will read the details before posting.. promised.

I did what you said and it shows every thing ok...

The only strange thing is, (it does it sometimes) at the beginning of the print it asks me if i want to resume. if I say yes it then continues. But it does not tell me that something is wrong.. just requester: resume or not (see the logfile below) Usually it starts printing directly without that resume question...

after i tell it to resume it starts heating and prints the left line, and only after having printed that, gives the Filament runout alert.

That is why i thought it had started really printing and switched the printer off before i could see the alert. The other printer behaves exactly the same. Also here i switched off the machine so it would not continue after having printed the left "priming" line without filament.

I am sorry for having alerted you with a bug that is not one. Thank you again for your great work. Luc

Here ist the proterface log.

// ***** copy paste start **//

Connecting... start Printer is now online. External Reset Marlin bugfix-2.0.x echo: Last Updated: 2021-02-27 | Author: Desuuuu echo:Compiled: Mar 10 2021 echo: Free Memory: 3027 PlannerBufferBytes: 1472 //action:notification CR-10S Pro Ready. //action:prompt_end echo:SD card ok

// With Filament //

m119 SENDING:M119 Reporting endstop status x_min: TRIGGERED y_min: open z_min: TRIGGERED filament: TRIGGERED ok P15 B3

//*** I quickly did a home

echo:enqueueing "G28XYZ"

//*** then a m119 again with filament

m119 SENDING:M119 Reporting endstop status x_min: open y_min: open z_min: TRIGGERED filament: TRIGGERED ok P15 B3

//*** then a m412

M412 SENDING:M412 echo:Filament runout ON Filament runout distance (mm): 20.00 ok P15 B3

//*** removed the filament

SENDING:M119 Reporting endstop status x_min: open y_min: open z_min: TRIGGERED filament: open ok P15 B3

// Now i start a print with NO filament.. //

echo:SD card ok echo:Now fresh file: xx_sd-~1.gco File opened: xx_sd-~1.gco Size: 3962319 File selected //action:notification XX_SD-CardBox_v1.0_R.gcode ok P15 B4 //action:resume //action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin Resuming SD //action:prompt_button Dismiss //action:prompt_show //action:notification XX_SD-CardBox_v1.0_R.gcode ok P15 B4 //action:notification Time Left 5h17m26s //action:notification Bed Heating...

//*** nozzle is not heating as i set the temp manually to 200 for faster operation

//action:notification XX_SD-CardBox_v1.0_R.gcode //action:notification XX_SD-CardBox_v1.0_R.gcode //action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin M1 Stop //action:prompt_button Continue //action:prompt_show echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user ok P15 B0 echo:Bed Leveling ON echo:Fade Height 5.00 Writing to file: /PLR

// About here he has allready printed the starting line on the left side.. (for me it meant it has started real printing!!!) // I stopped it manually before it could go any further - that is why i did not see the filament runout requester that comes only later)

//action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin FilamentRunout T0 //action:prompt_show //action:paused filament_runout 0 //action:paused echo:Insert filament and send M108 //action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin Nozzle Parked //action:prompt_button Continue //action:prompt_show echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user echo:busy: paused for user //action:cancel //action:notification Print Aborted //action:prompt_end //action:prompt_begin Paused //action:prompt_button PurgeMore //action:prompt_button DisableRunout //action:prompt_show //action:prompt_end //action:notification Print Paused Writing to file: /PLR //action:resumed //action:notification XX_SD-CardBox_v1.0_R.gcode File deleted:PLR ok P15 B0 ok P14 B0

// ***** copy paste end **//

Again sorry for your time.


FrancYescO commented 3 years ago

check if this is the culprit:

Desuuuu commented 3 years ago

Version is not affected by this serial issue.

I'm pretty sure the resume prompt you see at the beginning of your prints is because you have an M1 command in your G-code.

DaKrampus commented 3 years ago

Thank you I will give it a try..

Actually there is NO M1 in the code.. i was just able to reproduce it... very strange behaviour.

  1. I started a print without filament.. it goes through the whole routine and then stops after having printed the priming line on the left. i then connect pronterface, it does a reset of the motherboard.. showing the marlin logo... and then i start the print again, again without filament... this time it echos a you see above a M1 stop and has the resume.. only it does it after it stopped after printing the line.. i can see in pronterface the line: begin M1 Stop but i assure you there is NO M1 in the code, only a M117 (maybe it just doesn't send the 17. which i doubt). Here is the startcode of the file, IF there was a M1 it would have been in my opinion before the echo:Bed Leveling ON echo:Fade Height 5.00 so beforer the line: M420 S Z5 so here is the code:

;FLAVOR:Marlin M117 Time Left 5h56m24s ;TIME:21384 ;Filament used: 16.2659m ;Layer height: 0.2 ;MINX:59.89 ;MINY:49.014 ;MINZ:0.2 ;MAXX:223.517 ;MAXY:126.163 ;MAXZ:48.6 ;POSTPROCESSED ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.8.0 M140 S63 M105 M190 S63 M104 S200 M105 M109 S200 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode M201 X500.00 Y500.00 Z100.00 E5000.00 ;Setup machine max acceleration M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z10.00 E50.00 ;Setup machine max feedrate M204 P500.00 R1000.00 T500.00 ;Setup Print/Retract/Travel acceleration M205 X8.00 Y8.00 Z0.40 E5.00 ;Setup Jerk M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate M221 S100 ;Reset Flowrate

G28 ;Home M420 S Z5 ; call mesh data and set fade height to 5mm

G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder G1 Z2.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up G1 X10.1 Y20 Z0.28 F5000.0 ;Move to start position G1 X10.1 Y200.0 Z0.28 F1500.0 E15 ;Draw the first line G1 X10.4 Y200.0 Z0.28 F5000.0 ;Move to side a little G1 X10.4 Y20 Z0.28 F1500.0 E30 ;Draw the second line G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder G1 Z2.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up G92 E0 G92 E0 G1 F1500 E-6 ;LAYER_COUNT:243 ;LAYER:0 M107 M204 S500 M205 X8 Y8 G1 F300 Z0.5 G0 F6000 X69.069 Y62.456 Z0.5 M204 S400 ;TYPE:SKIRT

The confusing thing is: If filament is there and the sensor does not trigger... everything works like a charm... no resume no problem. When I did it without filament, i have the resume requester.. but somehow it seems there is a loop, because it is very difficult (takes a lot of time) to be able to get it working again. everytime there is a requester it says busy in the statusline top right of the display. I can do a resume 4 or 5 times nothing changes...

attention this only happens if i start printing without a filament, which means i can also reset the printer (off/on) and restart the print with filament. I will do a test with 2.61

Thank you for the hints. Luc

Desuuuu commented 3 years ago

FILAMENT_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM is set to 20mm in the default configurations.

It might explain why the firmware prints for a bit before pausing when you start a print without filament.

DaKrampus commented 3 years ago

Yes.. you can close the bug.. everything works a designed.

Yes you are right, it first uses the 20 mm.. so it starts printing. then.. as the filament alert is given it runs M600

which my printer doesnt like at all.. it first of all unloads the filament.. which makes the extruder run backwards for 400 mm (!) or so.. that is when i says "busy" and i cannot do anything!!! ( i did not realize that) of course if i dont have any filament inside i can hardly see the extruder pulling out the filament...

then there is a resume button and again.. it will say "busy" because it is loading like 400 mm of filament up through the extruder.. before it primes ... then primes a couple of times... AND in between it stops somewhere and sends itself a M1 because, while it was loading, i pushed like 100 times the resume or continue button.. it was saying busy all the time, but still accepted the resume.. and somehow it did not like it. so it did a full stop. Its not a bug.. i just wasnt aware that it was doing something, something i did not know it was doing.

I think that by changing FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT from M600 to something else... like M25 and turn off heating... i would be on the safe side if it runs out of filament while i am not at home or sleeping.

(On a second thought.. not such a good idea to turn of heating because i am printing on glas, and on a cold glas bed there is no adherence) so i will pause and park... and play a sound as loud as possible...

So yes you can close the bug.. because it is not one! It was just me not realizing what the firmware was doing.

Thanks for all the help and your time.
