DetachHead / basedpyright

pyright fork with various type checking improvements, improved vscode support and pylance features built into the language server
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Can't force CLI to read settings from pyproject.toml? #462

Open mgzenitech opened 2 days ago

mgzenitech commented 2 days ago

Hey guys! First of all - amazing project.

Now, I have same issue as I had with original pyright. For some reason CLI does not read my config automatically.

Let's imagine this setup: pyproject.toml

extends = ".internal/configs/basedpyright.json"


  "exclude": [
  "pythonPlatform": "Linux",
  "reportAny": "none",
  "reportMissingTypeStubs": "none",
  "verboseOutput": true

basedpyright is installed via Poetry so let's use poetry run basedpyright.

It is immediatelly clear that config is not taken into account as all files within .venv are being scanned and also no verbose output.

DetachHead commented 2 days ago

the config extending stuff kinda sucks. will investigate

mgzenitech commented 19 hours ago

side note: this issue is only with CLI, VSCode extension works for some reason without any issues...