DetectionTeamUCAS / FPN_Tensorflow

This is a tensorflow re-implementation of Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection.
MIT License
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先把checkpoint模型转为saved model(这个过程中没报错),再把saved model转onnx报错了 #151

Open HUI11126 opened 3 years ago

HUI11126 commented 3 years ago

saved model转onnx时,报错: ValueError: Node 'gradients/resnet_v1_101_4/block4/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/conv3/BatchNorm/FusedBatchNorm_grad/FusedBatchNormGrad' has an _output_shapes attribute inconsistent with the GraphDef for output #3: Dimension 0 in both shapes must be equal, but are 0 and 2048. Shapes are [0] and [2048].


HUI11126 commented 3 years ago

checkpoint模型转为saved model是在tensorflow1.14版本转的,saved model转onnx是在tensorflow 2.2版本转的

HUI11126 commented 3 years ago

若是用tensorflow 1.14转saved model为onnx,则内存快速被占满,之后被杀死

exmee commented 2 years ago

您好,请问怎么把checkpoint模型转为saved model呢,网络的输出节点output_node_names是什么呢,期待您的回复!