Passing cmdline_prefix_args and/or cmdline_suffix_args to
any dispatcher as query parameters will allow the caller
to prefix / suffix kernel cmdline arguments in addition
to the arguments defined by the system.
For example: /dispatch/profile/system?cmdline_suffix_args=loglevel%3D7
Use case A: passing in dynamically generated password hashes.
Use case B: passing in a Vault AppRole Role ID, while passing
the response-wrapped Secret ID through some other mechanism,
like a metadata API service.
Passing cmdline_prefix_args and/or cmdline_suffix_args to any dispatcher as query parameters will allow the caller to prefix / suffix kernel cmdline arguments in addition to the arguments defined by the system.
For example: /dispatch/profile/system?cmdline_suffix_args=loglevel%3D7
Use case A: passing in dynamically generated password hashes.
Use case B: passing in a Vault AppRole Role ID, while passing the response-wrapped Secret ID through some other mechanism, like a metadata API service.