DeuxVis / Lora-TTNMapper-T-Beam

TTNMapper on the TTGO T-Beam
GNU General Public License v3.0
111 stars 48 forks source link

Payload error "json: unsupported value: NaN" #9

Closed HaViGit closed 5 years ago

HaViGit commented 5 years ago


Not very experienced with LoRa/TTN I'm installing the TTN-Mapper on my TTGO-T-Beam V2. An issue is shown when I enter your payload code 1:1 to the TTN-Console, it reports an error after testing as shown in the attachment. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Regards, Hans.


DeuxVis commented 5 years ago

Hello Hans,

I haven't checked recently that my T-Beam mappers still work with the current code, will get back to you once done.

In the meantime time can you please provide the raw data that triggered that error ? You can find it in the TTN console Application Data tab.

HaViGit commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your reply. It turned out I made a newbie mistake by leaving the Payload field empty, if it is filled in it works and I can save it in the TTN-console. Tonight I will try if mapping works during a short car drive, thanks for sharing the project!

adrianomourapeixoto commented 4 years ago

hello i'm facing the same problem. how did you solve it?

HaViGit commented 4 years ago


Because TTN-mapper website works too slow on my system I now use a tracker from Peter Javorsky: This works with Cayenne and is based on the perfect work of DeuxVis.

Ragards, Hans.