Dev-Environments / VScode

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Is this working out of the box? #56

Open anonimo82 opened 1 month ago

anonimo82 commented 1 month ago

Hello developers of this App, and users. I wonder, is this App a pre-configured VSCode with compilers built in, or is it what? And by the way, is it possible to add or remove languages? I'm asking because I'm interested buying, but I want to make sure.

Thanks for any help, regards, have a nice day.

Dev-Environments commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the compliment and yeah it's possible to add/remove languages. And yeah we already setup the compilers and everything. Just make sure to read the Guide (Readme.Md) in App.

anonimo82 commented 1 month ago

Thanks so much for your support. Then I'm willing to buy this App asap. I guess we can now close this?

anonimo82 commented 1 month ago

Question: which languages are included out of the box from these? C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, CLisp, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, PHP, Rust, C#, SVG, X3D, jQuery

Thanks for any help

anonimo82 commented 1 month ago

Any help?

Dev-Environments commented 1 month ago

Those all languages are working fine

anonimo82 commented 1 month ago

Really? Out of the box, or am I required to set some up myself?

anonimo82 commented 1 month ago

Uh? Any help? I'd like to be sure before buying. Which languages are preconfigured and working out of the box?

Ok, according to the App description, these are the only missing languages: Perl, CLisp, Rust The rest is MarkUp or library.

Unless you tell me those languages are instead supported.

Thanks for any help, regards, have a nice day.

anonimo82 commented 1 month ago

@Dev-Environments can you confirm about Perl, Common Lisp and Rust? Are they included?

anonimo82 commented 1 month ago

@Dev-Environments I'm ready to buy. Please, either confirm or disprove the languages above.

Thanks a lot, have a nice day. Regards.