[x] #19 skipTime: Skips a specified amount of time for specified timers.
Example: When boss receives alac/quickness, to adapt timings to match the mechanics again
[ ] toggle: Toggles visibility, timer will work even when hidden, so you have current time when shown.
Example: To hide/show specific mechanics on the fly, CerusCM Example: When Shadows can be immobilized. (some asked me to add it, after i added it some asked me to get a timer without)
[ ] mute: disables/enable sound notifications via hotkey
Example: So you can mute them if they annoy you, without having to open settings - without having to enable them for other timers you may want them.
[ ] stop: stops current phase, won't reset fight, hit again to continue, or proceed to next phase via trigger hotkey.
Example: When you want timers just for a specific phase, you can stop them, and trigger phase change once you phase.
[ ] jumpTo: jump to specific time (or phase?)
Example: Largos Breakbar, instead of different timer-packs, you just have a single pack, that jumps to the boss-phase of the side you're jumping to (5 phases, 1 on platform before split, that has actions to trigger either left boss-phase or right boss phase, depends on which side you jump)