Dev1an / Swift-Atem

Blackmagic Design Atem network protocol implementation in swift 5.1 using NIO 2
MIT License
59 stars 27 forks source link

New Release from Master #15

Closed johanneskares closed 3 years ago

johanneskares commented 3 years ago

Fantastic work on this repo, thanks!

I see there's a few new features that are not yet in a release (e.g. being able to listen to disconnects) Will these new changes be put in a formal release, soon?

Dev1an commented 3 years ago

I hope to get back and work on this repo in the second half of august. I will then

When that's done I will merge the open pull requests and release them as a minor version update to V2.

Dev1an commented 3 years ago

The most recent updates including readme and API docs are now inside the development branch. There is a new tagged pre-release that you can try out using .package(url: "", from: .init(2, 0, 0, prereleaseIdentifiers: ["alpha"]))