DevArdalan / CRG

Crypto Research Group
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Collaborative Workspaces for Crypto Platform #27

Closed git-union[bot] closed 2 months ago

git-union[bot] commented 2 months ago

Collaborative Workspaces for Crypto Platform

As a user, I want to engage in community-driven debates, contribute to research, and complete bounties, in order to earn tokens and be recognized within the platform.

Acceptance Criteria

  participant U as User
  participant P as Platform
  participant D as DeWork
  U->>P: Choose to participate in debate/research/bounty
  alt Debate
    P-->>U: Show existing debates
    U->>P: Start new debate or join debate
  else Research
    P-->>U: Show research documents
    U->>P: Contribute to document
  else Bounty
    P->>D: List bounties
    D-->>U: Display bounties
    U->>D: Claim bounty
    D->>U: Submit work
  U->>P: Earn tokens