DevArdalan / CRG

Crypto Research Group
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Crypto Research Group #32

Open DevArdalan opened 2 months ago

DevArdalan commented 2 months ago

/spec A crypto platform for community-driven research, debates, and papers, with a leaderboard and trending topics. Users contribute, validate, and earn points. -- function as a collaborative, gamified hub for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and researchers. Here's a detailed breakdown of its operation: Open Debates: Members can participate in weekly debates on hot topics within the cryptocurrency domain. They can submit arguments and evidence for their position on a particular issue, and other members can upvote the contributions based on quality and validity. Search Bounties: The community votes on research papers or projects they deem important each week. Users can then delve into these topics, iterating on the research, much like committing code in a GitHub repository, with the aim to refine and complete the research papers. /bounty 1 /currency usdc /skills funding,development

git-union[bot] commented 2 months ago

GitUnion is generating specs for this issue... it may take a few minutes