DevBoost / JaMoPP

JaMoPP can parse Java source and byte code into EMF-based models and vice versa. It preserves source formatting and can be used for code analysis and refactoring.
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Suppress layout information in outline #27

Open jreimone opened 10 years ago

jreimone commented 10 years ago

Since the layout information are "only" utility concepts they are annoying in the outline. It is too much of them being displayed. I never integrated the LayoutInformation (LI) DSL into any of my projects but I assume that LI should be suppressed by default while generating the outline.

BenjaminKlatt commented 10 years ago

While I would sign this for most times I worked with the outline, sometimes I need to check code comments especially java doc. I also know from martin and emre they would have been happy to have comments for other languages than java available in the outline. So what about an optional filter?

jreimone commented 10 years ago

Sounds nice for me. But, since I never did anything with the LI language I don't even know what the features are. Maybe a [yes|no] filter is not fine-grained enough as you mentioned there are concepts (comments) which should be visible and others not. Well, this is not a high-priority request. Let's see what the developers say.

mirkoseifert commented 10 years ago

The contents of the outline view can be customized for all EMFText languages by editing the edit plug-in that is generated by EMF. To exclude certain child elements, the getChildrenFeatures() method of the respective ItemProvider class can be modified. So every DSL developer is free to decide whether the LI elements shall be shown or not.

For the concrete case of JaMoPP I'd say that the elements should be shown. Since the JaMoPP editor is not usable for actual Java editing, but rather used to inspect the model for example classes, I'd argue that most people would like to see the complete model in the outline.

jreimone commented 10 years ago

Ok, that's easy enough. Cool!

Regarding JaMoPP I would say that most of the LI elements in the outline even don't have a textual representative. Overall, I don't see which LI elements represent Java comments. Thus, from my point of view, displaying that much LI elements is confusing.

mirkoseifert commented 10 years ago

Other opinions? Personally I do not have a strong preference.