DevCBeirut / devalopers

“Devalopers” is a business-oriented web application for all developer and technology workers used to find jobs and projects. This repository represents the Web part (Web-Interface) JavaScript
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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Company> Post a job> Skills list missing some skills #35

Open nouratahhan99 opened 3 years ago

nouratahhan99 commented 3 years ago

Description: Upon posting a job, when adding skills needed to this job, there is a lot of missing skills like React.js & Node.js and others..

Steps to find this issue:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in as a company with the below credentials: Email: Password: Company@123
  3. Go to (+ Post a job) green button upright the page> go to skills dropdown> add missing skills

Expected behavior Add to the skills list: -React.js -Node.js

If you recognize another missing skill, kindly edit this card and add it above