DevCBeirut / devalopers

“Devalopers” is a business-oriented web application for all developer and technology workers used to find jobs and projects. This repository represents the Web part (Web-Interface) JavaScript
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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Talent >Profile > Edit > Add work experience > Years #45

Open gardenia-homsi opened 3 years ago

gardenia-homsi commented 3 years ago

Requirement Years in the work experience field should be in descending order. Also, check if a calendar is being used or a hard-coded list of years


  1. Go to
  2. Login as talent
    • Username:
    • Password: Dev-Talent1@devapp
  3. Go to talent profile > edit profile > add work experience
  4. check the list of years

Solution requested order the years in the work experience field in descending order t and make sure current year exisits