DevCEDTeam / CED

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Description #3 #127

Open DevCEDTeam opened 8 months ago

DevCEDTeam commented 8 months ago

To create a Firebase Realtime Database and sync it with Mautic 4.0 contact list data, you'll need to follow these steps in a Google Colab cell:

  1. Install Required Libraries: You'll need to install Firebase Admin SDK and any other necessary libraries. In a Colab cell, you can install these using pip.

    !pip install firebase-admin
  2. Import Required Libraries: Import the libraries you installed and any others you'll need for this task.

    import firebase_admin
    from firebase_admin import credentials
    from firebase_admin import db
  3. Set Up Firebase: You'll need to set up Firebase and get the Admin SDK credentials JSON file. You can do this by creating a Firebase project and downloading the JSON file from the Firebase Console.

    • Go to the Firebase Console (
    • Create a new project.
    • Navigate to Project Settings > Service accounts.
    • Click "Generate new private key" to download the JSON file.

    Upload this JSON file to your Google Colab environment. You can use the Files tab on the left and click "Upload" to upload the JSON file.

  4. Initialize Firebase Admin SDK:

    cred = credentials.Certificate("your-firebase-credentials.json")
    firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {
       'databaseURL': ''

    Replace "your-firebase-credentials.json" with the actual file name of your Firebase Admin SDK credentials JSON file and '' with your Firebase Realtime Database URL.

  5. Connect to Mautic 4.0: You'll need to connect to your Mautic 4.0 instance to retrieve contact list data. The method to do this would depend on the specific setup and API access of your Mautic instance.

  6. Sync Data: Once you have retrieved the contact list data from Mautic, you can push it to your Firebase Realtime Database. Here's a simplified example:

    ref = db.reference('/mautic_contacts')
    mautic_contacts = [...]  # Replace with your Mautic contact data

    Replace '/mautic_contacts' with the desired path in your Firebase database where you want to store Mautic contacts. Replace [...] with the actual contact data you've retrieved from Mautic.

  7. Complete the Process: Handle any errors, set up scheduling if necessary, and create appropriate functions to periodically sync data from Mautic to Firebase.

Remember that setting up Mautic API access and integrating it with Firebase can be a complex task, and the specific details may vary depending on your Mautic setup and the structure of your contact data. Additionally, ensure that you're following best practices for handling sensitive data and maintaining the security of your Firebase Realtime Database and Mautic instance.