DevCEDTeam / CED

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Descriptions #24

Open DevCEDTeam opened 1 year ago

DevCEDTeam commented 1 year ago

Detailed step-by-step instructions to configure Google Cloud Platform, Google Cloud Functions, and set up OAuth for the Gmail API. The instructions include sample code where necessary.

Step 1: Create a New Project

Step 2: Enable APIs

Step 3: Set Up OAuth Consent Screen

Step 4: Add or Remove Scopes

Step 5: Create OAuth Client ID

Step 6: Update OAuth Playground Settings

Step 7: Obtain Access Token and Refresh Token

Step 8: Configure Google Cloud Functions

Step 9: Configure the Cloud Function Code

const { google } = require('googleapis');

exports.sendEmail = async (req, res) => {
  // Parse the request body
  const body = req.body;
  const recipients = body.recipients;
  const subject = body.subject;
  const message = body.message;

  // Create an OAuth2 client
  const oAuth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(

  try {
    // Set the credentials using the Refresh Token
    await oAuth2Client.setCredentials({ refresh_token: process.env.REFRESH_TOKEN });

    // Create the Gmail API client
    const gmail ={ version: 'v1', auth: oAuth2Client });

    // Construct the email message
    const email = [
      `To: ${recipients}`,
      'Subject: ' + subject,

    // Send the email
    const response = await gmail.users.messages.send({
      userId: 'me',
      requestBody: {
        raw: Buffer.from(email).toString('base64'),


  } catch (error) {

Step 10: Set Maximum Number of Instances (Optional)

Step 11: Test the Functionality

By following these detailed step-by-step instructions and using the provided sample code, you should be able to configure Google Cloud Platform, set up OAuth for the Gmail API, and utilize Google Cloud Functions to send email messages using the Gmail API.

DevCEDTeam commented 1 year ago
Thank you for providing more context to your question. The`PATH_TO_KEY_FILE_WITH_JSON_EXT` refers to the path to a JSON key file for a Firebase project. This file can be downloaded from the Firebase console by following these steps: 1. Open the Firebase console and select your project. 2. Go to "Project settings" by clicking the gear icon in the top left corner. 3. In the "Service Accounts" tab, scroll down to "Firebase Admin SDK" and click "Generate new private key". 4. Save the JSON file and note its file path. When installing the Firebase Admin SDK in your project, you can reference the path to this JSON key file with the `credential` parameter. Here's an example of how to initialize the Admin SDK with a JSON key file: ```python import firebase_admin from firebase_admin import credentials cred = credentials.Certificate('/path/to/keyfile.json') firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred) ``` Make sure to replace `/path/to/keyfile.json` with the actual path to your JSON key file.