DevCEDTeam / CED

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Description #74

Open DevCEDTeam opened 11 months ago

DevCEDTeam commented 11 months ago
const { google } = require('googleapis');

exports.sendEmail = async (req, res) => {
  var body = req.body[0];
  var to =[0];
  var arrayBody = to.replace('[', '');
  arrayBody = arrayBody.replace(']', '');
  arrayBody = arrayBody.split(',');
  var entryArray = [];
  arrayBody.forEach((elm) => {
    if (elm.indexOf(']') > -1) {
      elm = elm.replace(']', '');

  const oAuth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
    '', // Client ID
    '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', // Client Secret
    '' // Redirect URI

  const keys = {
    client_email: '',
    private_key: `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`,


  var gmail ={ version: 'v1', auth: oAuth2Client });

  if (entryArray.length > 24999) {
    //split up into smaller tasks and time out for another task in a few minutes to avoid passing the Gmail quota limits
  } else {
    //begin email body construction. Feel free to change out the subject directly in the code or by sending a different "Subject" request body parameter from the source (Integromat, Zapier, Etc.)
    const subject = body.Subject;
    const utf8Subject = `=?utf-8?B?${Buffer.from(subject).toString('base64')}?=`;

    //send to every email in the list
    for (i = 0; i < entryArray.length; i++) {
      try {
        const messageParts = [
          'From: ' + process.env.FROM_EMAIL,
          'To: ' + entryArray[i],
          'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8',
          'MIME-Version: 1.0',
          `Subject: ${utf8Subject}`,
          body.Body, //this is assuming you're sending some html code as a string from your API (Integromat, Zapier Etc). If you want to just write the HTML code directly in here you can do so by wrapping the entire html code as a string
        const message = messageParts.join('\n');

        // The body needs to be base64url encoded.
        const encodedMessage = Buffer.from(message)
          .replace(/\+/g, '-')
          .replace(/\//g, '_')
          .replace(/=+$/, '');

        const response = await gmail.users.messages.send({
          userId: 'me',
          requestBody: {
            raw: encodedMessage,
      } catch (err) {

DevCEDTeam commented 11 months ago

Here's the revised script with the provided objects inserted:

const { google } = require('googleapis');

exports.sendEmail = async (req, res) => {
  var body = req.body[0];
  var to =[0];
  var arrayBody = to.replace('[', '');
  arrayBody = arrayBody.replace(']', '');
  arrayBody = arrayBody.split(',');
  var entryArray = [];
  arrayBody.forEach((elm) => {
    if (elm.indexOf(']') > -1) {
      elm = elm.replace(']', '');

  const oAuth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
    '', // Client ID
    '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', // Client Secret
    '' // Redirect URI

  const keys = {
    client_email: '',
    private_key: `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`,


  var gmail ={ version: 'v1', auth: oAuth2Client });

  if (entryArray.length > 24999) {
    //split up into smaller tasks and time out for another task in a few minutes to avoid passing the Gmail quota limits
  } else {
    //begin email body construction. Feel free to change out the subject directly in the code or by sending a different "Subject" request body parameter from the source (Integromat, Zapier, Etc.)
    const subject = body.Subject;
    const utf8Subject = `=?utf-8?B?${Buffer.from(subject).toString('base64')}?=`;

    //send to every email in the list
    for (i = 0; i < entryArray.length; i++) {
      try {
        const messageParts = [
          'From: ' + process.env.FROM_EMAIL,
          'To: ' + entryArray[i],
          'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8',
          'MIME-Version: 1.0',
          `Subject: ${utf8Subject}`,
          body.Body, //this is assuming you're sending some html code as a string from your API (Integromat, Zapier Etc). If you want to just write the HTML code directly in here you can do so by wrapping the entire html code as a string
        const message = messageParts.join('\n');

        // The body needs to be base64url encoded.
        const encodedMessage = Buffer.from(message)
          .replace(/\+/g, '-')
          .replace(/\//g, '_')
          .replace(/=+$/, '');

        const response = await gmail.users.messages.send({
          userId: 'me',
          requestBody: {
            raw: encodedMessage,
      } catch (err) {


Please make sure to replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_CONTENT with the actual private key content of the service account in the keys object.

DevCEDTeam commented 10 months ago

Sure, here's your updated script with the Google Analytics Measurement ID added:

const { google } = require('googleapis');

exports.sendEmail = async (req, res) => {
  var body = req.body[0];
  var to =[0];
  var arrayBody = to.replace('[', '');
  arrayBody = arrayBody.replace(']', '');
  arrayBody = arrayBody.split(',');
  var entryArray = [];
  arrayBody.forEach((elm) => {
    if (elm.indexOf(']') > -1) {
      elm = elm.replace(']', '');

  const oAuth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
    '', // Client ID
    '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', // Client Secret
    '' // Redirect URI

  const keys = {
    client_email: '',
    private_key: `76446a0d52b4bd34ead45c7c9e0fd001bd404a5a`,


  var gmail ={ version: 'v1', auth: oAuth2Client });

  if (entryArray.length > 24999) {
    //split up into smaller tasks and time out for another task in a few minutes to avoid passing the Gmail quota limits
  } else {
    //begin email body construction. Feel free to change out the subject directly in the code or by sending a different "Subject" request body parameter from the source (Integromat, Zapier, Etc.)
    const subject = body.Subject;
    const utf8Subject = `=?utf-8?B?${Buffer.from(subject).toString('base64')}?=`;

    //send to every email in the list
    for (i = 0; i < entryArray.length; i++) {
      try {
        const messageParts = [
          'From: ' + process.env.FROM_EMAIL,
          'To: ' + entryArray[i],
          'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8',
          'MIME-Version: 1.0',
          `Subject: ${utf8Subject}`,
          body.Body, //this is assuming you're sending some html code as a string from your API (Integromat, Zapier Etc). If you want to just write the HTML code directly in here you can do so by wrapping the entire html code as a string
        const message = messageParts.join('\n');

        // The body needs to be base64url encoded.
        const encodedMessage = Buffer.from(message)
          .replace(/\+/g, '-')
          .replace(/\//g, '_')
          .replace(/=+$/, '');

        const response = await gmail.users.messages.send({
          userId: 'me',
          requestBody: {
            raw: encodedMessage,
            headers: {
              'X-Google-Analytics': 'G-L358WWPRMP' // Add the Google Analytics Measurement ID header
      } catch (err) {


I've added the X-Google-Analytics header to the message request, which includes the Google Analytics Measurement ID G-L358WWPRMP. This header can be used to track email interactions using Google Analytics. Make sure to replace 'G-L358WWPRMP' with your actual Google Analytics Measurement ID.