DevDyna / IronBerry

Modpack Skyblock Expert 1.19.2 Heavy scripted , what could go wrong?
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Nuclearcraft Recipe issue #20

Closed ZariusCorten closed 4 days ago

ZariusCorten commented 4 days ago

Core Section


Singleplayer/Local | NO LAN

Modpack Version



The Assembler and the Alloy Smelter use materials oddly when ingredients aren't laid out. If the machine detects that the correct items are present for a known recipe, it will remove a number of items from slots based on the position the recipe says that they should be in. This can result in too many of some items and/or too few of other items to be used. Can also be used to produce effectively infinite of several items that only have three ingredients, in the case of the assembler.


Use the items for a recipe, but in the wrong slots.

Additional things


DevDyna commented 4 days ago

Can also be used to produce effectively infinite of several items that only have three ingredients, in the case of the assembler

I have no words to describe that... Maybe I have a possible brute force to fix that include to remove 79/81 recipes on assembler

and the Alloy Smelter

Also I have try but with alloy smelter work perfectly , can you provide some screenshots about what recipe cause that?

ZariusCorten commented 4 days ago

Okay, well, looking at the recipe list, apparently the only one that isn't 1:1 is Bronze (Tin+3 copper).



Which sucks because Tin is mildly more annoying to get a hold of than I like. :P

DevDyna commented 4 days ago

Okay, well, looking at the recipe list, apparently the only one that isn't 1:1 is Bronze (Tin+3 copper). [...]

ok I have found what cause the issue : it apparently was caused by tileentity that pickup a wrong item count so.. luckly i can try to fix on a easy way without need to convert every recipe like what happen with assembly

DevDyna commented 4 days ago

Which sucks because Tin is mildly more annoying to get a hold of than I like. :P

also I have decided to increase a bit the item count of some alloys to be a bit "more easy" make it without use too many resources [due it cost a bit more as "classic way" ]