DevExpress / devextreme-reactive

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The Timelines feature #2613

Open clintcmc opened 4 years ago

clintcmc commented 4 years ago

I'm using ...


Is it possible to put the time of day across the top in 'DayView' and have the 'Appointments' listed vertically rather than the current setup which has the time of day down the left side and Appointments listed horizontally?.

This would allow more 'Appointments' to be listed. If you have many at the same time they get so small you cannot read the contents without clicking into them.


MaximKudriavtsev commented 4 years ago

Hi @clintcmc,

Do you mean Timeline view? If so, we are going to implement it after we are done with the Grouping feature.

If not, could you please attach a screenshot?

clintcmc commented 4 years ago


Thank you for your response.

Yes that is pretty much what I need. Great to see it is already on your road-map.

Do we have a rough idea of when this will be?

Many thanks,


MaximKudriavtsev commented 4 years ago


As soon as we finish Grouping and Compact Appointments.

If you would like to use this feature now, you can use our React Wrappers. Please refer to our documentation.

tj111 commented 4 years ago

Is there a rough implementation timeline for when you anticipate having this feature? I see your comment above about there being a few features out in front of this, but I'm not sure if that correlates to weeks, months, years, etc. We are looking into using DevExpress but are debating if the release cadance will give us the features we need in the timeframe we need.

nrakochy commented 4 years ago

My company recently purchased a license and we will be needing this view as well for our suite of apps. From what I understand the timeline view will be one of the major pieces that we will use.

Re: the React Wrappers with devextreme-react, it appears that drag-and-drop with a Redux store forces a complete re-render of the UI when an event in the events data payload changes.

This is not a viable UX, which is what brought me here today. As such, we are blocked until this timeline is implemented, and I wanted to add a +1 as it is one of the main reasons that we purchased the library rather than building from scratch. Thanks.

MaximKudriavtsev commented 4 years ago

Hi @tj111 and @nrakochy,

If all goes according to plan, we expect to introduce this feature in the second part of this year.

Could you describe your use case with Timelines? It will be very helpful for us.

nrakochy commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the note.

In terms of use cases, we have N number of "Resources" that need to load a schedule view, and then take action. We are primarily using these components in the space and facilities management apps. For example,

As a meeting organizer, I want to see a schedule of rooms for my selected floor, so that I can reserve a room for my meeting

Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 10 02 49 AM

As a dispatcher, I want to see a list of available, qualified technicians, so that I can schedule the work order quickly.

Please let me know if you need further info.

As one addition consideration, would love it if we could inject a component into the "Header" row of the resources (in this case, for Sorting and Search). Thanks again...

Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 10 09 35 AM
MaximKudriavtsev commented 4 years ago


Thank you very much! I think it would be very useful.

would love it if we could inject a component into the "Header" row of the resources (in this case, for Sorting and Search)

The following demo demonstrates how to add the Resource Filter into the Scheduler's toolbar. You can choose resources to display by the filter. In this case, you can change a text input type to improve UX.

tj111 commented 3 years ago

Hey guys, is there any update on this? We are stuck using the old component to get the timeline view but are having performance and usability issues with the rendering mechanics when we push updates via sockets to it. We are looking into either moving into a different product or rolling our own solution to get the timeline view unless this one is coming shortly.

MaximKudriavtsev commented 3 years ago

Hi @tj111,

Unfortunately, this feature won't appear in 2020. We decided to postpone it due to other priority tasks in our Roadmap. Though we cannot give you a new ETA, we'll definitely consider implementing this next year. We will make an update here if we decide to start working on it.

If it's a must-have requirement and you have a limited time frame, consider migrating to our DevExtreme Scheduler for React.

vibhor-nuvolo commented 3 years ago

Hi @MaximKudriavtsev Any update on timeline feature, is there any ETA decided for this ?

emmmarosewalker commented 1 year ago

Hi any update on this?