DevExpress / devextreme-reactive

Business React components for Bootstrap and Material-UI
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Error while creating a custom theme #3527

Closed sm3rta closed 2 years ago

sm3rta commented 2 years ago

I'm using ...


I'm trying to create a custom theme based on Material-UI by following the documentation I started by copying the dx-react-grid-material-ui package into my code so I can customize it, I then created a small demo table:

<Grid rows={rows} columns={columns}>
    <Table />
    <TableHeaderRow />

which worked fine, up until I tried adding other UI plugins,

import { Grid, Table, TableFixedColumns, TableTreeColumn, TableHeaderRow } from '@app/tables';
import { TreeDataState, CustomTreeData } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid';
<Grid rows={treeData} columns={treeColumns} getRowId={...}>
  {/* State Management plugins */}
  <TreeDataState {...} />
  {/* Data Processing plugins */}
  <CustomTreeData getChildRows={...} />
  {/* UI plugins */}
  <Table />
  <TableHeaderRow />
  <TableTreeColumn for="name" />
  <TableFixedColumns leftColumns={['name']} />

and then I get this error

Error messages


Krijovnick commented 2 years ago


Please share a runnable sample to demonstrate your entire implementation and the issue.