DevExpress / testcafe-reporter-xunit

This is the xUnit reporter plugin for TestCafe.
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Using absolute path for the `file` attribute, CircleCi expects relative path #23

Closed rob4629 closed 2 years ago

rob4629 commented 2 years ago

It seems like we're writing the absolute path for the file attribute, rather than a relative path (which CircleCi expects).

Error autodetecting timing type, falling back to weighting by name. Autodetect no matching filename or classname.  If file names are used, double check paths for absolute vs relative.
Example input file: "tests/payments/promotions/some_test.js"
Example file from timings: "/home/circleci/regression-qaa/tests/payments/promotions/ppmu/some_other_test.js"

I'm not sure how many people this is affecting... but is there an easy way for us to fix/change/overwrite this?

AlexKamaev commented 2 years ago

It's easy to change an absolute path to a relative one. However, I am afraid this will be a breaking change. The best option would be passing some arguments to the reporter, but we do not have such a feature and do not have plans to implement it.

I suggest that you process your resulting xml file to update your file attributes on your side.