DevGrow / jQuery-Mobile-PHP-MVC

A simple PHP MVC framework utilizing jQuery Mobile.
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404 Error #6

Open webserviceos opened 12 years ago

webserviceos commented 12 years ago

Hi All,

I am new for jquery mobile. I have download this mvc zip file and extract in my local machine i got "404 error". How to solve this and any document for this architecture. how to connect for my database. Or please give me document any link. I am study with this but not working.

Please anybody help me on this regards.

Thanks, mayasakthi

sim2github commented 11 years ago

it seems that mod_rewrite is not working make sure that:

  1. mod_rewrite module is loaded .LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ in httpd.conf or use phpinfo() function
  2. .htaccess and index.php file is present in root of site (many links in template follow from / )
  3. if U use virtual host append correct rules to directory like this:

<Directory "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/jq"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI Includes AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all