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Trouble with logging out users #23

Open krasidankov opened 5 years ago

krasidankov commented 5 years ago

Hello. I have trouble logging out different types of users. Here is the code for the nav:

`<!DOCTYPE html>

{{ config('', 'Laravel') }} ` If someone knows to do it, please post the solution to this problem. Thank you.
juliosouzam commented 5 years ago
Try with this.

@if (Auth::guard('admin')->check())
    <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ route('user.logout') }}" onclick="event.preventDefault();document.getElementById('logout-form').submit();">
        {{ __('Logout') }}

    <form id="logout-form" action="{{ route('user.logout') }}" method="GET" style="display: none;">
krasidankov commented 5 years ago

@juliosouzam Yes, this works but my point is that when a user is currently in the "/home" page I want them to logout only as users, and when is logged as admin and visits "/admin" to show the logout button and only logout as admin on that page.

juliosouzam commented 5 years ago
I use this in component
it's worked for me.

@if (auth()->guard('admin')->check())
    <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ route('admin.logout') }}" onclick="event.preventDefault();document.getElementById('admin-logout-form').submit();">
        <i class="fa fa-fw fa-sign-out"></i>
        {{ __('Logout') }}
    <form id="admin-logout-form" action="{{ route('admin.logout') }}" method="POST" style="display: none;">
    <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ route('logout') }}"
        {{ __('Logout') }}
    <form id="logout-form" action="{{ route('logout') }}" method="POST" style="display: none;">
krasidankov commented 5 years ago

In my situation it shows two buttons for a logging out with they go to it's define location. But here again I have a problem with your code. When I click on the logout for the admin it shows me this error.

screenshot 103

I have modified your code a little bit for the users logout. As this code is logging me out from all types of users, I have just added

`@if(auth()->guard('web')->check()) <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ route('user.logout') }}" onclick="event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('logout-form').submit();"> {{ __('Logout') }}


But again it shows the same error for the user logout. What does this error mean?

juliosouzam commented 5 years ago

This error means what you tried to send a request with different method http. How method are in route? Route should be: Route::post('/admin/logout', 'AdminLoginController@logout')->name('admin.logout');

BippyMiester commented 4 years ago

In order to logout a specific user or admin, this is already setup in the commit

To summarize, in the AdminLoginController.php file, we are defining the function logout() which takes the admin guard and then logs out the admin.

public function logout()
        return redirect('/');

In the case of the user, let's look at the LoginController.php file. Now remember, we're not using the logout() function as previously defined by Laravel. We have created a brand new logout method called userLogout(). This method takes the web guard and attempts to log the user out.

public function userLogout()
        return redirect('/');

Make sure that you have defined your routes correctly for the user guard. Route::get('/users/logout', 'Auth\LoginController@userLogout')->name('user.logout'); Then setup an anchor tag that points to the user.logout route. No need for a POST request to log out the user. This is a simple GET request. Same thing applies for the Admin Logout (admin.logout) route as well.