DevMarketplace / dev-marketplace

The home of the Developer Marketplace project. A place where developers can share user stories, development tasks and help each other.
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Create a build Powershell and Bash script #9

Closed cracker4o closed 7 years ago

cracker4o commented 7 years ago

Windows: Create a Powershell script that builds the Developer marketplace project so it automatically prepares a working environment for every new contributor,

Linux: Create a bash script that builds and prepares the dev-marketplace project.

Technical notes: The script should accept the following parameters:

  1. A query string with a desired database name
  2. An optional path to npm and bower

It should detect if npm and bower are installed and automatically install them if not. It should check for the correct .dotnetcore version and install it if not found It should automatically restore any nuget packages It should run the site automatically after it builds it.