DevOnTheRocks / RockyTweaks

A Minecraft Forge mod that adds additional functionality to other mods.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Villager Trade Confusion #29

Open lynaevm opened 3 years ago

lynaevm commented 3 years ago

Hello! I'm using the merchant trade feature of this mod and it is working.... oddly. It is all very easy and smooth except trades are being assigned to the wrong careers.

For example, librarians and cartographers seem to get each others newly-assigned trades. Trades assigned to the fletcher are ending up on the shepherd. I haven't fully tested to see if others are inverting. It only seems to happen within a profession.

My script, for reference:

Mohron commented 3 years ago

Without having the exact mods and script to replicate the issue you/re seeing, It's hard to really say what might be happening here. This feature was only tested lightly back when it was implemented and is very dependent on Forge/Minecraft to make the actual changes to villager's available trades. There certainly could be a bug on the mod's side, but without knowing exactly what is and is not happening, I can't say for sure.

If trades are only being assigned to one profession but the wrong profession, then the mod may have an error. If the trades show up on multiple, it's likely happening in Forge or Minecraft itself and there won't be much if anything that can be done in the mod.

I'll need the Forge and mods you're using with the script in order to look into it further.