DevOpsDaysDC / planning

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Pre-event email to attendees #117

Closed nathenharvey closed 8 years ago

nathenharvey commented 8 years ago

Hi {{ first_name }}!

DevOpsDays DC is next week! We are so happy that you'll be part of our sold out DevOpsDays event.


Dress Code

Some people will come in suits, many will be in t-shirts. Dress for comfort and as suits your personal style.


The USPTO has made public WiFi available to all DevOpsDays DC attendees. Please be considerate of other attendees and be a good consumer of the WiFi. DevOpsDays are about connecting with others in our industry in person. If you are on-call during DevOpsDays DC, we recommend coming prepared with alternate connectivity solutions such as a mifi puck.


DevOpsDays events are a mix of keynote presentations, ignite talks, and open spaces. You will find the schedule for DevOpsDays DC online. Bringing local DevOps representatives to you was one of our goals and you'll notice that almost every one of our presenters works within 100 miles of DC.

A note on lunch - We are a big gathering utilizing some of the common areas of the USPTO office space. As a courtesy to our hosts and those not attending the conference, we will be serving lunch at 1:00PM each day. Please plan accordingly by having a nice hearty breakfast or by packing some snacks to get you through the morning.

Wednesday, June 8 includes keynotes from Mark A. Schwartz, David Copeland, Tapabrata Pal, Trent Hone, and Laura Barton. We will then have some ignite presentations, create a schedule for our open space discussions, and then break for lunch. After lunch we will have a few more ignite talks before going into our open space discussions. Wednesday night includes a DevOpsDays DC Happy Hour at the Carlyle Club and will feature live music from Detached Retina.

Thursday, June 9 includes keynotes from Mike Bland, Elizabeth (Betsy) Nichols, Ph.D., Simmons Lough, Mike Nescot, and Nick Grace. Keynotes will be followed by more ignite talks and creating our open space schedule. After lunch, we'll have more open space discussions. The event will close with a live recording of the DevOpsDays Podcast.

Code of Conduct

We value the participation of each member of the community and want all attendees to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, all attendees, speakers, sponsors, and staff are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees throughout the conference and at all conference events.

Please take a few minutes to read and familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct.

Refund Policy

We know things come up and you may no longer be able to attend. If that's the case, you must let us know no later than 11:59PM EDT Today, Friday, June 3 so that we can refund your ticket. We will be really sad to miss you at the event but someone on the waiting list will be really happy to take your place.


Be sure to follow @devopsdaysdc and the #devopsdays hashtags for all the latest updates on DevOpsDays DC.

Thank you for being part of this year's DevOpsDays event in our nation's capital! What questions can we answer for you?

Your {{ event.compact_name }} Organizing Committee

Huge thanks to our DevOpsDays DC Sponsors!

Platinum & Venue Sponsor


Happy Hour Sponsors

opsgenie     aol

Platinum Sponsors

pivotal     cloudpassage     netuitive     capitalone

eglobaltech     excella     solarwinds     csra

docker     chef     thoughtworks-products     pagerduty

github     customink     redhat     ansible

dlt     omniti     aspe     saucelabs

Gold Sponsors

infozen     comcast     karsun     harmonia

evident     victorops     cloudbees     fanniemae    

atkraft commented 8 years ago

Should we mention Metro's Continuous Single Tracking on the Orange & Silver Lines from Ballston to East Falls Church? Most locals are well aware of this, there may be a few out of town folks who have not heard.

nathenharvey commented 8 years ago

good call @atkraft! I've added another line to the message:

nathenharvey commented 8 years ago
