DevOpsDaysDC / planning

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Final speaker email #61

Closed nathenharvey closed 9 years ago

nathenharvey commented 9 years ago
nathenharvey commented 9 years ago

DevOpsDays DC - Speaker Update

Speakers are a big part of making DevOpsDays successful, THANK YOU for participating in our inaugural event!


Primary contacts:

All Speakers

Talks will be streamed live and recorded. The projector will have an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a resolution of 1920 x 1080. We would like to post your slides to the DevOpsDays DC account on Speaker Deck. Please send us your presentations once you've completed them.

Ignite Speakers

Please send your slides to by 5PM on Monday so that we can compile the talks into one presentation for each ignite session. Remember: 20 slides, 15 seconds each, auto-advancing. We need the slides as a 20 page PDF file.

Speaker Dinner

Please RSVP for the speaker dinner by noon on Monday.

Important Links

We look forward to seeing everyone next week!

What questions can we answer for you?

DevOpsDays DC Organizers