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Organizers Meeting - Friday, April 1 #92

Closed nathenharvey closed 8 years ago

nathenharvey commented 8 years ago

Let's have an organizers meeting on Friday, April 1.

Add comments and updates to this ticket that include status updates and things you'd like to discuss at the meeting. I'll collate all the topics and send out an agenda before the meeting.

Things I'd like to discuss include:

jsmartin commented 8 years ago

Let's talk about lack of talk submissions and how we can get more.

gallimorej commented 8 years ago

Wish I could make it to the meeting. Here's the registration status for various group: General Admission: 78 out of 250 Government Admission: 1 out of 50 USPTO Admission: 0 out of 30 Sponsor Admission: 4 out of 120 Media: 0 out of 5 Organizers: 10 out of [however many we need]

xzilla commented 8 years ago

I've noticed a few emails being forwarded from Bridget that have gone unanswered, we should chat about how to answer them.