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Deploy to IBM Cloud #3

Open aklufas opened 3 years ago

aklufas commented 3 years ago

As a an eCommerce business owner I need to publish wishlists to the cloud
So that my customers can create wishlists


Acceptance Criteria:

Given working code
When I push my code
My customers should be able to access their wishlists 
jku8 commented 3 years ago

•Create a Python Flask Cloud Foundry application in IBM Cloud - US South.
•Naming is very important so please follow the following format:
•Use the singular version of your resource name (e.g., orders becomes order) prefixed by nyu- and suffixed by -service-f21.For example: if you are creating the /orders API then please name your IBM Cloud service nyu-order-service-f21 (The full URL will then be )
•Update your Vagrantfile to download and install the IBM Cloud CLI (hint: an example of this is in the lab-bluemix-cf repo)
•Create the necessary Cloud Foundry metadata files for deployment (manifest.yml, Procfile, runtime.txt) file so that IBM Cloud will know how to deploy your application.
•Modify your application to get the database credentials from the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable if you are using an IBM Cloud database like Cloudant or IBM DB2, or DATABASE_URI if you are using a 3rd party database like PostgreSQL (from (hint: see in lab-bluemix-cf for an example)
•Add honcho to your requirements.txt file and make sure the the command: honcho start works with your Procfile.
•Use ibmcloud cf push to push your application to IBM Cloud
•Go to the URL of your service and make sure that it works

What I am looking for here is a working service that is running on IBM Cloud. I also need to be able to start your application in your vagrant VM with the command: honcho start as learned in class.
This part is worth 2 points.```