As a customer
I need to be able to create a wishlist which contains a item/items I wish I can purchase
So that I can revisit the item/items I wish I had and purchase at a later date OR share with someone who can purchase for me
api/v1/wish/1, POST
Wishlist will have unique URL path based on its name
Wishlist is a separate section/page/microservice in the eCommerce website
Customer will always be able to create a new resource/wishlist even if a wishlist already exists
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I'm browsing products on an eCommerce website
When I'm on any page of the eCommerce website
Then I should be able to create a new wishlist (which will later allow me to add/delete specific products into the wishlist)
As a customer I need to be able to create a wishlist which contains a item/items I wish I can purchase So that I can revisit the item/items I wish I had and purchase at a later date OR share with someone who can purchase for me
Assumptions: api/v1/wish/1, POST
Acceptance Criteria: