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Write BDD Tests - CRUD #56

Open aklufas opened 3 years ago

aklufas commented 3 years ago

As a developer I need a feature file So that I can implement automated BDD testing and test my RESTful APIs from the outside in Assumptions: Feature will be written in Gherkin syntax This will test the RESTful APIs from the UI (outside in) perspective Using Selenium for UI testing BDD tests should not interact with the service and should only test the web interface Acceptance Criteria:

Given a feature file
When I have the BDD tests for all the appropriate scenarios
Then all the test scenarios should pass (should be green)
swoichha commented 3 years ago

Hello @aklufas, we from @JankariTech would like to give it a try. We could not find any documentation on how to setup this project. So, we might need some help from you regarding that.