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Pagination, Filter and Sorting implementation at repository layer - Rest/GraphQL API #43

Open DevShivmohan opened 5 months ago

DevShivmohan commented 5 months ago

Implementation Pagination, Filter and Sorting at DB layer

Service layer implementation


    public ResponseEntity<?> fetchRecordsWithPaginationFilterSorting(final PaginationRequestDto paginationRequestDto, final NGram filterDto) {
        final Sort.Direction direction = (paginationRequestDto.getSortOrder() == null || paginationRequestDto.getSortOrder() == SortOrder.ASC) ? Sort.Direction.ASC : Sort.Direction.DESC;
        final PaginationResponseDto paginationResponseDto = new PaginationResponseDto();
        final PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(paginationRequestDto.getPageNumber(), paginationRequestDto.getPageSize(), direction, paginationRequestDto.getSortColumn());
        if (filterDto == null) {
            final Page<NGram> page = nGramRepository.findAll(pageRequest);
            mapPageToEntity(page, paginationResponseDto);
            return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(paginationResponseDto);
        final ExampleMatcher customExampleMatcher = ExampleMatcher.matchingAny();
        final Example<NGram> example = Example.of(filterDto, customExampleMatcher);
        final Page<NGram> page = nGramRepository.findAll(example, pageRequest);
        mapPageToEntity(page, paginationResponseDto);
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(paginationResponseDto);

private void mapPageToEntity(final Page<NGram> page, final PaginationResponseDto paginationResponseDto) {

API layer implementation

    public ResponseEntity<?> findAllRecordsWithPaginationFilterSorting(
            @RequestParam(value = "pageNumber",defaultValue = "0",required = false) Integer pageNumber,
            @RequestParam(value = "pageSize",defaultValue = "10",required = false) Integer pageSize,
            @RequestParam(value = "sortOrder",defaultValue = "ASC",required = false) SortOrder sortOrder,
            @RequestParam(value = "sortColumn",defaultValue = "name",required = false) String sortColumn,
            @RequestParam(value = "name",required = false) String name,
            @RequestParam(value = "bio",required = false) String bio
        final PaginationRequestDto paginationRequestDto=new PaginationRequestDto();

        final NGram filter=(name==null || bio==null) ? null : new NGram();
        return nGramService.fetchRecordsWithPaginationFilterSorting(paginationRequestDto,filter);


public class PaginationRequestDto {
    private int pageNumber;
    private int pageSize;
    private SortOrder sortOrder;
    private String sortColumn;

public class PaginationResponseDto {
    private int pageNumber;
    private long pageSize;
    private int totalElements;
    private int totalPages;
    private boolean lastPage;
    private List<NGram> content;

public enum SortOrder {


@Table(name = "n_gram")
public class NGram {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String bio;
DevShivmohan commented 5 months ago

API request payload


API response

    "pageNumber": 0,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "totalElements": 20,
    "totalPages": 4,
    "lastPage": false,
    "content": [
            "id": 31,
            "name": "Xenophilius Lovegood",
            "bio": "Father of Luna and editor of The Quibbler."
            "id": 5,
            "name": "Vincent Crabbe Sr.",
            "bio": "Father of Crabbe and death-eater who escaped Azkaban."
            "id": 6,
            "name": "Vincent Crabbe",
            "bio": "Slytherin student who was best friends with Goyle and followed Draco."
            "id": 25,
            "name": "Viktor Krum",
            "bio": "Participant in the Triwizard tournament. Dated Hermione."
            "id": 15,
            "name": "Vernon Dursley",
            "bio": "Harry's muggle uncle."
            "id": 44,
            "name": "Tom Riddle Sr.",
            "bio": "Muggle father of Voldemort who was killed by him."
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Sirius Black",
            "bio": "Best friend of James Potter and godfather of Harry."
            "id": 48,
            "name": "Severus Snape",
            "bio": "Head of the Slytherin house and saved Harry in many occasions."
            "id": 17,
            "name": "Seamus Finnigan",
            "bio": "Harry's friend and member of Dumbledore's army."
            "id": 23,
            "name": "Rubeus Hagrid",
            "bio": "Half-giant who loves Harry. He was the keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwards."
            "id": 59,
            "name": "Ron Weasley",
            "bio": "Harry's best friend. Marries Hermione."
            "id": 47,
            "name": "Rita Skeeter",
            "bio": "Reporter at the Daily Prophet."
            "id": 32,
            "name": "Remus Lupin",
            "bio": "Friend of James Potter and werewolf. He married Nymphadora."
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Regulus Arcturus Black",
            "bio": "Brother of Sirius. Used to be a Death Eater but defected."
            "id": 43,
            "name": "Quirinus Quirrell",
            "bio": "Possessed by Voldemort. Defence against the Dark Arts professor."
            "id": 14,
            "name": "Petunia Dursley",
            "bio": "Harry's aunt and sister of Lily."
            "id": 39,
            "name": "Peter Pettigrew",
            "bio": "Betrays James and Lily Potter. Follower of Voldemort."
            "id": 58,
            "name": "Percy Weasley",
            "bio": "Third son of Arthur and Molly. He is a Gryffindor prefect."
            "id": 36,
            "name": "Olympe Maxime",
            "bio": "Half-giantess and headmistress of Beauxbatons."
            "id": 49,
            "name": "Nymphadora Tonks",
            "bio": "Married Remus Lupin and was killed by Bellatrix."

DevShivmohan commented 4 months ago

Pagination with custom native query at JPA level

code block

public interface NGramRepository extends JpaRepository<NGram,Integer> {
    @Query(nativeQuery = true,value = ApiConstant.N_GRAM_SEARCH_QUERY)
    List<NGram> findByNgram(@Param("keyword") String keyword);

    @Query(value = "SELECT *, MATCH(name, bio) AGAINST(:keyword) AS score FROM n_gram WHERE MATCH(name, bio) AGAINST(:keyword) ORDER BY score DESC",
           countQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM n_gram WHERE MATCH(name, bio) AGAINST(:keyword)",
           nativeQuery = true)
    Page<NGram> findAllWithPagination(@Param("keyword") String keyword, Pageable pageable);