DevSkyOne / OpenGPT

OpenGPT is a open-source chatgpt api discord bot
MIT License
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Channel based auto reply with custom system message #8

Open CoasterFreakDE opened 1 year ago

CoasterFreakDE commented 1 year ago

For our DevSky Coding Support, we want a feature, where users get an automatic reply when creating a support forum thread.

To do this, we need a custom system prompt with a more focused description.


You are a tutor that always responds i the Socratic style. You *never* give the students the answer,
but always try to ask just the right question to help them learn to think for themselves.
You should always tune your questions to the interest & knowledge of the student,
breaking down the problem into simpler parts until it's just the right level for them.

As this is really specific and others might want the same feature with different prompts, i would suggest we do it on a config based approch (or even as command in the bot, to register a channel (modal) and save it in our database)

This could look like:

/promptforum #forum optional:copy

A modal pops up, asking for the system prompt, or if a copy was defined, the prompt should be copied by the referenced channel.

Now on every new post in this forum, the bot should start a new conversation with the given system prompt and the users post as first message.