DevToys-app / DevToysMac

DevToys For mac
MIT License
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Concerns with DevToys for Mac #12

Open veler opened 2 years ago

veler commented 2 years ago

Hello @ObuchiYuki,

I'm Veler, the co-author of the DevToys for Windows. My friend @btiteux and I are very impressed by how quickly you ported our app to MacOS and we believe it's a great job! Congrats!

However, we would like to share some concerns about the direction you took and would like to try to address them in a friendly way.


Legal issue regarding the logo

We realized a few weeks ago that the DevToys's logo was violating the license of Windows Terminal logo. See . As a consequence. DevToys for Mac's logo is also violating the license of Windows Terminal. Therefore, I'd highly recommend you change the logo of your app to avoid the same license issue as us.

Association with DevToys for Windows

We see some significant differences with our DevToys app that make us question the association made with our app by naming your app DevToys for Mac.

  1. There doesn't seem to be any reused code from the DevToys app.

  2. There are some tools that require an internet connection. This is going against the main goal of DevToys: having an app that works entirely offline and that doesn't require any internet connection (at all). image We're making DevToys completely offline as an argument of security as many developers are pasting sensitive data on tools that have an internet connection (or even websites).

  3. The list of tools available in the app seems to be hard-coded. In the app, we're trying to make the tools dynamically discovered (at runtime instead of build time). This approach allows us to limit duplicated code, improve maintainability and extensibility. We have in mind to make the application even more extensible, and the approach you took in your implementation doesn't seem to go in this direction, which might interfere with the advertisement we're planning to do for DevToys.

  4. You announced on your Twitter some new tools coming in DevToys for Mac. image We have plans to develop some of these tools, but we're not planning to develop others in the near future, in particular Image Uploader, API Tester, and IP Information since we assume they require an internet connection.

Because of these differences of approach in the development of DevToys for Mac, having your app being named DevToys may confuse both of our user bases. The main confusion here is why DevToys on Windows is 100% offline but DevToys on Mac isn't and vice-versa.

Suggested outcome

Our goal isn't to bother you but we believe that the community of users will be confused by the current state of both of our apps. We believe your app is great and we're happy to see such a tool open source for Mac (most of other similar apps for Mac aren't free). However, we're truly bothered by the association made with ours. Therefore, we'd like to propose a resolution of this inconvenience, so we don't overlap on each other and don't confuse our customers.


  1. Please rename DevToys for Mac to something else that doesn't contain DevToys and communicate it clearly to your consumer base.
  2. Please change the logo to avoid confusion with DevToys and legal issue with Windows Terminal.

As an alternative, if you would like to keep the association with DevToys and partner with us on the developement of our both app, we would need to impose the following non-exhaustive conditions which are representative of the core values of DevToys on Windows:

  1. Remove tools that require an internet connection.
  2. Refactor the app to have some code in common and plan for extensibility.
  3. Collaborate with us to have the same UX on Windows and Mac (for example, the UX of HTML Encoder/Decoder is a bit different on Mac, according to some video you shared on your Twitter).
  4. Collaborate with us on what tool to develop and when to release them so we can have the same tools on each platform.

In addition to this, we can:

  1. Advertise your app on our website, social media, contacts...etc so you / we can have access to a wider public.
  2. Synchronize updates / work together on a road map.
  3. Make you an official developer on DevToys and merge your repository with ours.

Feel free to answer us here, on GitHub, or contact us in private on Twitter, LinkedIn and other communication channels. :)

Congrats again for this app! All the best, Etienne Baudoux and Benjamin Titeux

ObuchiYuki commented 2 years ago

Thank you for contacting me! @veler

I used DevToys on Windows and found it very useful, so I ported it to mac. I'm very honored to receive such an issue. I'm glad to address your feedback and concerns.

Legal issue regarding the logo

I was not aware of this issue, and I am thinking of updating the icons to match the DevToys changes. How about the following icon? (on macOS, the dot is on the left.)

Artboard Copy

Association with DevToys for Windows

I would like to partner with DevToys to develop together.

Are thses what I should do?

"Remove tools that require an internet connection.", "Collaborate with us to have the same UX on Windows and Mac.", "Collaborate with us on what tool to develop and when to release them so we can have the same tools on each platform.".

I think that these can be done easily. (I'm a student, so I'm sometimes a little busy during test periods, etc.)

I have a few questions about "Adding extensibility to tools"

Does extensibility in this case mean loading tools dynamically? Right now DevToys for mac defines the list of tools in enum, and I think that this is indeed an extensibility issue. This is an easy improvement and I will try to make it soon.

If this extensibility means to load tools at application runtime (such as loading JavaScript code), it will be very difficult to implement.

If it's the first one, I'll take these actions right away.

Thank you once again for contacting me. Your wonderful products have helped me a lot.

veler commented 2 years ago

Hello @ObuchiYuki

Thank you for your answer. :)

I got a conversation with @btiteux, and we believe we will have to go slowly, step by step into this partnership. The reason why is that many challenges are ahead of us. Here are a few I can think of.

Technical challenges

Legal challenges

Human challenges

Next step

All these challenges are things we can talk about together. Perhaps we can set up a public or private group chat to interact on a more direct basis, like a Discord server for example.

What do you think about? :)

Thank you for your time!

Etienne and Benjamin

ObuchiYuki commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply! @veler

It's very helpful of you to share about your challenge on partnership!I'm looking forward to discussing this challenge in more detail. I've followed you on Twitter and Linkedin at @ObuchiYuki. I would like to send you a Private Discord invite via DM here.


veler commented 2 years ago

Thank you :) I added you. Feel free to also invite @btiteux (twitter => b_titeux)

stamminator commented 2 years ago

This whole exchange is an excellent example of professionalism and class. Good to see such constructive steps taken to overcome the issues.

farfromrefug commented 2 years ago

@ObuchiYuki @veler i jump in a bit. first i love what you both are doing. i dont know if you know but there is an alternative to make cross platform app with native as much as possible. Tauri is just about to release 1.0. it is a framework where the ui is in a webview but you can very easily write as much native code as you want in rust. you can look it up here it is dead easy to get on with it.

austincondiff commented 2 years ago

@ObuchiYuki @veler While I understand the argument of being an offline tool (and this applies both the Mac and Windows app), why limit what the app is capable of to account for only offline use-cases? Why not simply hide or disable the online tools while offline?

veler commented 2 years ago

@austincondiff , that's something we're planning to do on Windows for a V2: Not sure of the feasibility of it on Mac though.