DevYukine / red_oxide

A CLI helping with uploading to Redacted, inspired by REDBetter
MIT License
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24-16 fake transcode error #11

Open Marblebishop opened 9 months ago

Marblebishop commented 9 months ago

If the original 24b is actually a 16b fake upload, the script will create a folder with cover pix in it and upload it anyway, which should be prevented.

DevYukine commented 5 months ago

Thats sadly not as easy as it seems, the main reason i make a spectogram first and let the user check those is that they spot fake 24 bit FLACs and stop the upload, you should always check the spectogram before uploading otherwise you risk uploading releases which break upload rules and you could get moderated for that.

I will look into it but i don't think there is any easy way besides users checking the spectogram