DevYukine / red_oxide

A CLI helping with uploading to Redacted, inspired by REDBetter
MIT License
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Copying thumbnails causes OS error 1 over SMB #23

Open DrowningWhale opened 1 month ago

DrowningWhale commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'm running red_oxide v0.8.2 on WSL Ubuntu with a SMB share drive mounted. All of my directories are on the shared drive. The transcoding finishes on all of the files, but the program stops with OS error 1. I have identified that fs::copy in src/transcode/ is causing the error when it tries to copy the thumbnail to the new transcoded folder. Using a drop-in copy function from ChatGPT that doesn't use fs::copy works, but I'm not sure how you would want to fix it. I can do a PR with the change that works for me if you would like.
