DevYukine / red_oxide

A CLI helping with uploading to Redacted, inspired by REDBetter
MIT License
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Invalid characters on folder names #4

Closed boredness closed 11 months ago

boredness commented 1 year ago

I've encountered this on two ocasions: Error: Redacted API returned an error while uploading a torrent: {"status":"failure","error":"The file or folder in the torrent that has the name 'Big | Brave - Nature Morte [2023] (CD - MP3 - 320)' contains the forbidden character '|'. Please recheck all files and folders in the directory and rename them as necessary and recreate the torrent.<br \/><br \/>\nNote: The complete list of characters that are disallowed are shown below:<br \/>\n\t\t : ? < > \\ * | \" \/\/ (Leading Space)"}

Error: Redacted API returned an error while uploading a torrent: {"status":"failure","error":"The file or folder in the torrent that has the name 'Therapy? - Hard Cold Fire [2023] (CD - MP3 - V0)' contains the forbidden character '?'. Please recheck all files and folders in the directory and rename them as necessary and recreate the torrent.<br \/><br \/>\nNote: The complete list of characters that are disallowed are shown below:<br \/>\n\t\t : ? < > \\ * | \" \/\/ (Leading Space)"}

Can you add for it to automatically replace those either just remove them completely or add an underscore (_) like they do on site.

Thank you.

DevYukine commented 1 year ago

i'll add an option to ignore such characters, thanks for letting me know :)

DevYukine commented 11 months ago

Fixed in #6