Devan-Kerman / ARRP

A fabric api for creating resources and assets at runtime
Mozilla Public License 2.0
101 stars 25 forks source link

dumpijnkg cragsh my gaem halp #23

Closed Neubulae closed 3 years ago

Neubulae commented 3 years ago

evhry tieem I booot my serv i greeted by

[03:12:09] [main/INFO]: ARRP register
Feb 01, 2021 3:12:09 AM net.devtech.arrp.impl.RuntimeResourcePackImpl dump
INFO: dumping minecraft:lint's assets and data
[03:12:09] [main/FATAL]: Failed to start the minecraft server
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException: /MikanCraft/MikanCraft/rrp.debug/minecraft;lint/data

downgradering ARRP fixs wtf plz quick revert unplayeble 0/NaN :halfplz:

Neubulae commented 3 years ago
debug\ performance=false
dump\ assets=false


Devan-Kerman commented 3 years ago

pretty sure I fixed this

Neubulae commented 3 years ago

oyes you do fix, gool and cood very mod goond i lieken thnaks youir veru mach