Devan-Kerman / ARRP

A fabric api for creating resources and assets at runtime
Mozilla Public License 2.0
103 stars 27 forks source link

1.19 support plans #69

Closed chimericdream closed 2 years ago

chimericdream commented 2 years ago

Disclaimer: I realize that 1.19 is still unreleased, so I totally understand if you haven't felt the need to start looking at it. If you want to mostly ignore this ticket until 1.19 is actually final, I completely understand! :-)

I wanted to see if I could release a snapshot-compatible version of my mod, but it looks like Mojang made at least one breaking change to the way resource loading works. I cloned this repo locally to see if I could figure out a fix, and I have at least identified the first spot which appears to be causing an issue (no idea if there are more). It seems the parseMetadata method is being called by a new resource filter which expects a JSON structure containing a block key. I am still trying to wrap my head around how ARRP does what it does, so I am not sure if the change is as simple as adding another if block to the body of that method.

Have you started looking at potential 1.19 changes for the mod yet? I'd be happy to contribute if that'd help!

Devan-Kerman commented 2 years ago

not yet but I will soon ish

Cardistymo commented 2 years ago

I think it would be great to know if its realistic that an update will come before Minecrafts 1.19 release at June 7th. Thanks for this great mod it saved a lot of people <3

Devan-Kerman commented 2 years ago

I'll do it today

Devan-Kerman commented 2 years ago

"It seems the parseMetadata method is being called by a new resource filter which expects a JSON structure containing a block key." what do you mean by this?

Devan-Kerman commented 2 years ago

0.6.1 is released, should work, but if there are any issues make them known

Cardistymo commented 2 years ago

Hey, I am getting an java.lang.RuntimeException: No key block in MapLike[{}], when calling RRPCallback.BEFORE_VANILLA.register(a -> a.add(RESOURCE_PACK)); or RRPCallback.AFTER_VANILLA.register(a -> a.add(RESOURCE_PACK));. The only thing I am doing is calling RESOURCE_PACK.addTexture(). Can anyone reproduce this issue?

chimericdream commented 2 years ago

@Cardistymo I haven't had a chance to test the 0.6.1 update, but that's what I was running into when I dug into the code to see if I could update it to 1.19.

@Devan-Kerman Sorry for the delayed reply to your question. The error above is what I was running into before. I traced the call stack back to the parseMetadata()method, which seems to be getting called by a new kind of resource loader (as far as I can tell, anyway).

SigmundGranaas commented 2 years ago

[23:48:28] [Render thread/INFO] (ARRP/ReloadableResourceManagerImplMixin) ARRP register - after vanilla [23:49:08] [Render thread/INFO] (RRP) 'filter' is an unsupported metadata key! [23:49:08] [Render thread/ERROR] (Minecraft) No key block in MapLike[{}]

I am getting the same error

Devan-Kerman commented 2 years ago


Devan-Kerman commented 2 years ago
