DeveloperRic / Scholar

A Progressive Web App (PWA) used to keep a close eye on your classes, assignments, and grade progression.
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Attempt Realm + Google One Tap #2

Open DeveloperRic opened 3 years ago

DeveloperRic commented 3 years ago

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DeveloperRic commented 3 years ago

Problems found:

kraenhansen commented 3 years ago

An alternative to the google-one-tap package is consuming the Google API via a CDN as suggested by their guide:

maharjanmilan commented 3 years ago

Yes google-one-tap is very unstable. I used another library and got it working with openid connect. while using openid connect, realm is storing only name of the user. How can we store email of the signing in user?

DeveloperRic commented 3 years ago

I get that @maharjanmilan. Which library did you end up using? I'm thinking of using Auth0 so I can support multiple means of signin

DeveloperRic commented 3 years ago

I've been able to get Auth0 halfway working (the config was super easy!) However, I will need to create a staging environment so I can test the 2nd half (passing credentials to Realm) due to Same-Origin-Policy.

maharjanmilan commented 3 years ago

For my vue app I used this package. passed id_token to the relam, turned on openid connect nad it worked. But cannot get to store email.