DevelopmentalImagingMCRI / MCRIBS

Surface version of the M-CRIB atlases.
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Question about pinpointing error #12

Open ajdneuro opened 1 year ago

ajdneuro commented 1 year ago


I am getting the following error, but wondering if I could have some help pinpointing where it is failing? Default pixel value: 0 Interpolation type: LabelImageGenericInterpolateImageFunction Output warped image: TissueSegMCRIBS/sub-1926/sub-1926_template-40_brain_mask_hull_added.nii.gz Running command: MCRIBSurfReconDeformableMCRIBS sub-1926 --jointhreshold 1 cp: cannot stat ‘TissueSegMCRIBS/sub-1926/sub-1926_labelfusionimage_dkt_antsinit.nii.gz’: No such file or directory Using large ventricles: False Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/adp9359/.conda/envs/MCRIB-py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nibabel/", line 42, in load stat_result = os.stat(filename) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'TissueSegMCRIBS/sub-1926/sub-1926_drawem_alberts_tissueseg.nii.gz'

Thank you, Alex

chrisadamsonmcri commented 10 months ago

This will be in an old version of the software. Please update to the latest master and it should be fixed. Apologies for the long delay. Let me know if there is still an error.