DevelopmentalImagingMCRI / MCRIBS

Surface version of the M-CRIB atlases.
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Data availability #3

Open zhaofenqiang opened 3 years ago

zhaofenqiang commented 3 years ago


Thanks for this great work! I checked the paper and the "Data availability" link in the paper brings me here. I briefly looked over the repository, but I did not find any data. Could you tell me where I can obtain some MR images or processed surface data used in your paper?

Thank you!

chrisadamsonmcri commented 3 years ago

Hello. There is no processed data available publicly as yet. I will find out if I can post some for you.

zhaofenqiang commented 3 years ago

Hi, @chrisadamsonmcri, thank you for your kind response! I will appreciate it very much if you could find out some example images or surfaces for me, and even the whole dataset, which would be the best if it is possible.

chrisadamsonmcri commented 4 months ago

I will have the dHCP release 3 completed soon. I will post when available.