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Your technical task is to create a simple calendar application from scratch. To reduce the implementation time, please make use of Angular Material and the Angular CDK (this is a MUST, don’t use any other libraries).
IMPORTANT: Please code this task in Angular ONLY. No React please.
The calendar app should consist of:
Form to add a calendar appointment
Ability to delete the appointment
Ability to move the appointment
Use Date() to work with time/date
Implement mouse Drag&Drop using Angular CDK
Ngfor to render calendar dates and appointments (calendar view)
Its mandatory that you correctly use:
Dependency Injection
Lazyload for module/routes
Adding router, router-outlets, etc.
Use Angular forms with value changes, validators, etc.
Use RXJS in any extent possible
Use standalone components and/or shared
Angular Material for styles and Angular CDK is used for DnD
HINT: The more Angular features/patterns you use, the better.
Your project passes eslint
The project builds and can be served
Your app can create an appointment
Your app can move appointments via Drag&Drop
You have ensured all different Angular patterns such as lazyload, router, forms are in place
Your technical task is to create a simple calendar application from scratch. To reduce the implementation time, please make use of Angular Material and the Angular CDK (this is a MUST, don’t use any other libraries).
IMPORTANT: Please code this task in Angular ONLY. No React please.
The calendar app should consist of:
Its mandatory that you correctly use:
HINT: The more Angular features/patterns you use, the better.